The Beginning of the Beginning

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Boom. The smoke rose up to the ceiling faster than lightning. I tried to direct the smoke towards my open bedroom window. I was failing miserably but it was worth the attempt to keep my already smoke covered bedroom roof as clean as I could.
It was 10pm and I was all up for late night science projects, in fact this was the third time this had happened this week, and it was only Wednesday. I was sad to ruin the pretty night sky view out of my window with the dark grey smoke but hey at least it didn't set the fire alarm off again. I wince remembering the time that I did set off the fire alarm, my parents were not pleased and said that they would like my science experiments to not explode.
But how do you know it's gonna explode if it's not been done before right?

I decided that I should go to bed to prevent any further accidents. I closed my window saying goodbye to the fresh cold breeze coming from outside and cleared away the countless test tubes and beakers littered on my desk. I was already in my space pyjamas ,which is a safety hazards for any science experiment and I don't recommend it, so I climbed in to my bed and snuggled down and drifted off to a world where I was fighting aliens and blowing up stuff al from the safety of my bedroom.


I woke up to the smell of waffles, a good healthy breakfast. I got up picked out a nice pink, flowery shirt, a blue jumper and a pair of black skinny jeans. I got dressed and headed down stairs towards the waffles. As I got to the bottom of the stairs the doorbell rang and I reached it first as the stairs are right next to our front door. I opened the door and my aunt Daisy was there. She was wearing a leather jacket and black ripped jeans, both Daisy Johnson classics.

"Hey Lizzie" she said giving me a big hug.

"Hey Daisy" came a voice from behind me.

I turned round to see my mum, her short, brown hair in a messy bun and white flannel pyjamas with "I've seen the future and it's female" in black letters across the front. Daisy hugged my mum and came in from the cold outside. Daisy and my mum were talking, probably about S.H.I.E.L.D, the place where Daisy and my parents work.

"Jemma I didn't burn the waffles I promise - oh hey Daisy" my dad said as he cane through from the kitchen.

"Hey Fitz" Daisy said "I hope you didn't burn the waffles because they smell delicious"

And it was true, the waffles did smell delicious. As we all walked through to the kitchen the smell of burnt waffle hit us.

"Ughhhh" we all said at the same time.

"Oh Fitz, it's ok" my mum said trying to make my dad feel better and succeeding. Daisy was looking at them like they were a pair of adorable puppies. Which to Daisy they are.

Daisy has known my parents for years. She isn't actually my aunt, but she's as close as I've got. She started working with them years ago at S.H.I.E.L.D, back when my parents were just best friends and partners in a lab. Back then Daisy was Skye, a name she chose for herself after years of being in foster homes by the name of "Mary Sue Poots". She then found her real parents, her dad a madman trying to put his family back together and her mum a inhuman who didn't age. It turned out that her dad was the good parent and her mum... not so much. Then she went by Daisy, but the public knows her better by Quake the superhero vigilante who can create earthquakes. Thats her inhuman power. She's my parents biggest fan (besides me) and absolutely adores them.

All in all Daisy's up there on the list of the pretty cool aunt figures. If there is such a list that is.

My mum, Daisy and I sit down at our island in the kitchen while my dad remakes the waffles. The suns shining in through the window above the sink, making the white room blinding.

"The new ICERs are great Fitz" Daisy says "everyone on the team has said they're great. Lightweight, powerful but non lethal and nice looking for a gun. May denies the fact that she enjoys using them, although everyone knows she loves them and that's coming from someone who prefers hand to hand combat."

"Yeah but they're not prefect" my dad says his Scottish accent showing more than it normally does. Looking up from the waffles sighs "there's something off about them but I can't put my finger on it"

"If you say so but they're pretty great" Daisy laughed and took a sip of her coffee.

For anyone who doesn't know or hasn't watched agents of shield (if that's the case what are you doing with you life) here's some definitions
Inhumans - a species of humans who have a dormant alien gene in their DNA and as a result have superpowers after going through a process called terrigenesis.
ICERs - Incapacitating Cartridge Emitting Railguns are guns that release a Dendrotoxin that stubs but doesn't kill the victim. 

Roses have Thorns - a Agents of Shield fanficWhere stories live. Discover now