Stats for Nerds

15 1 0

Sexuality: Asexual


Before: she was nice to her parents and little sister. She had lots of college friends and she had a few pet Rabbits.

After: She absolutely hates Jason the Toy Maker (he almost turned her into a toy)

Ethnicity: Italian

From: Jersey shoreline (New Jersey)

Allergies: perfumes, and mustard

Fear: Aphenphosmphobia, and Carcinophobia

D.O.B: September 17th, 1994

Species: Human / Cannibal


Before- Smart, independent, selfless, extremely lovable and sweet

After- Careless towards self and others, animalistic, controlled by bloodlust - can't feel any emotions towards anyone or anything, and can be found walking in circles mindlessly.

Moral: Even the best of us fall

Mental Illnesses: Renfield syndrome, Hyperosmia (her grandma had it), auditory hallucinations after hitting her auditory cortex on a rock when she fell into the river, and a form of zoochosis. (She is a collage student that had zoochosis but it was seen as just her daily routine. When she was a kid she was diagnosed with Hyperosmia and only Hyperosmia. She did have Zoochosis, Hyperosmia and Renfield syndrome when she was little but Zoochosis and Renfield syndrome were never diagnosed by any doctor. After Teagan became an animalistic Cannibal her symptoms for zoochosis showed.)

Height: 5'5

Weight: 145

Name: Peyton Grace

Creepypasta Name: (None)

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Weapon: Sharp stick, rock's, hands, and teeth

Strength: Can spot people easily due to her being a photographer (Finding good view or objects to take pictures of) and has an above average sense of smell.

Weaknesses: The smell of strong perfume, Bloodlust controlling her and causing to be reckless and fight every person that goes into the woods even if they are a lot bigger than her, cuts cause her to move slower, and lack of sleep will cause her to randomly pass out.

Looks: Greasy, puke green (green highlights that are faded)/brown tangled hair, brown eyes, tan skin with little pigment left, light grey long sleeve vans shirt with many holes, short jean pants that end two inches from the knee and doesn't wear shoes. Legs, arms, and feet have many nasty cuts/scars that are infected. She also has half of her tongue stapled back on.

Method of attack: She will stalk any random person when they are hiking, then she will strike them with a rock trying to knock them out (if that fails she will strangle them - most of her victims escape with their lives). If she succeeds she will make cuts on them with a sharpened stick and eat/drink excess blood. When her bloodlust is full she will leave the victim and wander in circles aimlessly until it strikes again.

Hair: she currently has nasty, greasy tangled straight hair with many sticks and blood caked in it. Her hair has faded green due which makes her hair look nasty (a mix between natural dark brown and faded green die)

Body type: she had a pear-shaped body

Quirks: sticking her tongue out while breathing, and turning her head like a machine (watch wwz, it's like the way zombies move their heads)

Scars: many scars covering her arms and legs

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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