Peyton Grace

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Gabriella Grace crouched in front of her daughter's glazed black marker, She was mourning for her lost daughter. Who had mysteriously disappeared in the Thick forest about three months ago. There was no corpse found, Only splotches of her dried blood covering tall trees and damp green shrubs. They also found her belongings that had gotten sucked and washed away in the crystal blue river. As she sat there aimlessly staring at the picture of her sweet daughter, She placed a purple rose on the grave. Her husband Mason approached her. Saying,

"I wish Peyton was still with us".

As he grabbed his wife's hand and headed back to the car. They sat there driving on the bumpy dirt road home. Gabriella turned on the radio to the daily news report. A young bright voice came on stating

"There have been numerous murders at the Sapheron Ridge campsite. They say all the victims had many cuts but the odd part was that their blood had been wiped away. It's almost like the murderer cleaned up after herself, Also the victim's tongues were removed with scissors. The murderer of the victims is unknown."

"One of the surviving victims stated that a young girl about 16 - 19 with blackish green tinted hair came into his tent covered in blood with her tongue sticking out of her smiling mouth. Then to my horror, she took scissors and viciously stabbed my arm. I tried to block and screamed at the top of my lungs but no one came seemed to have heard my cries. Then she grabbed my arm and licked up all the blood (Her tongue seemed to be oddly stitched back together) with a smile on her face. Sirens were heard in the distance and she ran out of the tent "

Grace turned off the radio and turned to her husband stating

"Why would someone want to kill it's just too horrible". Her husband replied,

"I don't know, but I wish life could go back to normal, for Peyton to come back and for that psycho to stop killing."

3 months earlier Peyton Grace's tragedy

Peyton Grace

I opened my brown eyes as I looked up at the illuminating green canopy above me, wondering how I, Peyton Grace, ended up on the cold frozen ground in Forêt domaniale d'Orléans forest with my damp green and black dyed hair in a tangled mess. Then, the memories started to flood in causing a pounding headache. I didn't remember much from before, except that I was gracefully hiking next to a cliff and taking perspective pictures of beautiful and elaborate types of scenery for Mountain View High School's Art Club while I was doing this, I started to feel a strong craving for something. As I was distracted by my longing for an unknown substance, I clumsily lost footing in the dirt-filled path and felt my consciousness fog up as my whole body tilted to one side, Then drop fast and hard into freezing water that sent chills throughout my fear paralyzed body.

"Crack" my back became full of incommunicable pain. My mouth filled up with more and more water and my body became limp while my consciousness disappeared. As my memory faded, I finally realized that I had foolishly tripped myself up and fallen into a swirling and rushing river.


Pain filled my whole 23-year-old female body as I tried to get up. I toppled over backward reaching for the air hoping something would help me. Banging my head against a sharp rock as I fell backward, My head swelled with more pain than I have ever felt in my whole life. My eyes started to burn and blood came gushing out of my mouth. Before I knew it, I was choking on my own blood. Gagging constantly and trying to overcome it, For some reason, the blood seemed to fill my hunger from before. But then my mind faded away. I woke up again, covered in thick red liquid that was dripping over my mouth and on my jacket. This time I was able to stand up feeling the pain fill my body, as well as my swelling head. As I stood up dizzily, I realized that my camera had washed away in the river rush, while my phone was smashed in half on the ground with nothing but the memory chip to keep. It looked like it had fallen out of my pocket from before. Then I heard a voice, a far-off voice that started to fade.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

I shook my head; the voice was gone. I stood in confusion for a few minutes then realized that I had to get out of here... or did I? A small inception thought crept into my burning head. Shaking my head wildly again, I thought how unreasonable I was and I started to walk to a place that I started to believe didn't exist (school). As I walked over crowded lush green shrubbery, hoping to find signs of other humans, the voice came back,

"Are you lost?"

It then faded in the same small way it had begun. I looked behind me to see that nothing was there. I found myself muttering about ways to get out of the huge forest.

My muttering continued until my taste buds tasted something in my mouth that I had forgotten to wash out. Blood, how could I've forgotten about having the lukewarm substance still in my mouth. Within seconds I spit the blood out splattering it on a nearby tree. I watched as it intriguingly and slowly dripped from the branches and hitting the ground. I stood there mindlessly watching the drying and dripping blood, thinking about how it's just like the red paint I used to openly cover my hands with during art class. Again, I shook my head harder than before feeling my sticky hair rub across my face.

"Why is blood so interesting?" I said thinking aloud

"because it's good Peyton". I turned around hearing the voice again.

It didn't make sense. Whose voice is there, how did they know my name? Letting put an ear shattering scream, I ran away. My mind was racing inside my head, could it be, there's no way... I sprinted to a nearby oak tree forgetting the rancorous thoughts that had infiltrated my mind. My stomach started hurting, increasing emptiness filled me. I started looking for food hopelessly. Brushing through thick and rough branches I found nothing. Then an indescribable sensation washed over me and my sanity broke. Shink!. Without controlling myself, I grabbed a sharp looking branch beneath me. As I was gripping the pointed branch I cut myself in the arm, watching the velvet liquid pour out over my dry, pale, and hardened skin. My tongue left my mouth lapping up all the blood that had left my arm. I could feel the warping pain fill my arm with the mix of my warm tongue.

"It tastes so good" I heard the voice say again.

At that point, I realized it that voice was clearly the devil, laughing at me mocking me, making me drink my own blood. I freaked, got up, ran, and smashed my head into the trunk of the tree trying to end the bloodlust. I woke up a third time seeing my green and black hair softly resting on my shoulders with the dry crusty blood painted across my pale white arm. I noticed that my skin's color was fading but as I realize that, it came back – the horrid unprogrammed psycho voice in my head.

"yes, you're awake" the madman inside me said.

"More, More, I want more" It begged and screamed inside of me.

Without realizing it grabbed scissors that had caught my eye earlier and cut myself several times watching and licking up all the blood I could get. I can't tell what's right or wrong anymore and with that, I laid down. Looking up at the baby blue sky a poisonous thought crossed my mind, I had to end this misery as my insanity broke through again,

"I want so much more - if only there were others that could satisfy my needs".

I bite down on my tongue hard like I was biting into a carrot, the end came off and floated boat like in my blood-filled mouth. I started choking on my own blood drowning myself, with only blood yearning thoughts left in my insane head I let go of everything I've loved. In the end, I was a pale white specimen on the ground with more wounds than I could count "but it tasted so good" was the last clear thoughts I had, as I drifted off to what I thought would be and an unawakened sleep. The last thing I saw was glowing green eyes.

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