The Curse Hate Begets

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A/N: I wrote this story six months ago when I was waiting to come to JobCorps. It is about Mary from the horror RPG Ib by Kouri (Translated by vgperson). I know it seems totally strange for me to not include Tom Hiddleston in some way but contrary to popular belief I like other things other than Tom! I ask that you PLEASE pay attention to the bolded dates for they will make this story much less confusing. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, October 9th, 1849  

'Jocelyn. My sweet Jocelyn. You were just a innocent child...'

'Mary! I have done as you asked! I painted you now bring my daughter back!' 

My daughter had been in a coma for the past year, laying on a bed of blood soaked white roses.

While I had been painting endlessly, day and night.

She had not aged at all and she had remained beautifully perserved.

Like a work of art.

I on the other hand, was like an old doll, cast aside by society and doomed to death.

Now, I could be fulfilled.

Now, I could atone.

~Exactly One Year Earlier~

Naples, Italy

Monday, October 9th, 1848

~Weiss Guertena's P.O.V.~

"Jocelyn, don't disturb your father!" I looked up at the two girls in my study doorway. My daughter, Jocelyn and my maid from Northern Italia, Ms. Aracchio. Jocelyn held up a picture she'd drawn, smiling triumphantly.

      "Heavens, Master Guertena! I tried to stop the girl. She is just too nimble for me." The elderly woman panted out. Obviously this chase had gone on for a while.

     I accidentally chipped my pencil and lost my temper. "Mio Dio! Avrò mai una pausa?! Jocelyn, you know I am busy. You have to follow Ms. Aracchio's orders just as you would follow mine."

     The girl pouted and stomped off. Ms. Aracchio looked at me in desparation. "Not to seem forward, Master, but you really should see some of the drawings she has done. They are quite nice."

     I gave her a curt smile. "That is what I have you for. Dismissed, Ms. Aracchio." She huffed and walked away. "Mi arrendo!"

Tuesday, October 10, 1848

~Jocelyn Guertena's P.O.V.~

     I didn't understand why Papa didn't wanna see my art. I worked so hard on it just for him and he shooed me off like it was nothing! Mrs. Aracchio was kind of grumpy all the time now so I had to stop showing her my art. Who else is there? The spiders in the rafters? No, I had to keep trying.

     So, last night I copied my best drawing into Papa's notebook, not realising the major mistake I had made in that moment. I was just so happy about how it looked. When I finished, I curled up on the makeshift bed I had set up and waited anxiously for morning to come.

      "JOCELYN MARIE GUERTENA! Wake up this instant, si bambino stupido!" I shot up and was almost happy until I met the face of my extremely displeased Papa. "I demand to know why this garbage is in my notebook. I use this for the university students! Not for some child's coloring book!"

       I felt tears sting the corners of my eyes. He honestly thought it was garbage? "You will tear this out, you will rip it up, and you will burn it in the fireplace." I shook my head, but before I could say anything he tore it out and ripped it up himself. I just got up and ran back to my bedchamber. I did not get out of bed except to eat and let Mrs. Aracchio bathe me. 

The Curse Hate Begets~Ib One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now