Part 48 (Last part)

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"I could so get used to this" thought Arnav looking at his young bride of a few months getting ready for her college. "Khushi, bring it over here," he asked pointing to her sindoor, he loved to enforce his rights on her every morning which she readily surrendered to.

With Arnav's impatience fired some more by Khushi, all the preparations for the wedding happened on the snap of the finger. No stone were left unturned to make his would be wife happy. Wedding did take on a grand scale at Sheesh mahal and he even rode the horse only as her raaj kumar!! Buaji was often seen removing evil eyes, while Anjali and Payal were applying black spot to both their siblings. The pride Shashi felt in giving his daughters hand was immense. Though she was sanki, she had won the hearts of all.

"Get ready soon Arnav ji, You have work as well, you need to drop me off." It was his routine to drop her off at her college and get back to work from home. Looking at him covering himself and going back to bed, khushi shouted,

"Arnav ji, what has happened to you? Get up, you have missed your jogging as well, for how long? aaa wait, well, ever since we got married and moved here."

She tried to wake Arnav and push him out of the bed. It was his 4th month in a row to miss his morning jog!!

"Khushi, I will not let you go as well if you don't let me sleep now. I am too tired.." Arnav yawned..

"You are getting fatter and fatter by the day.., if we were in Raizada mansion, both of us should have woken up early by now for the morning pooja." Khushi tried to persuade him, but to no avail.

Still mumbling in his sleep, "Why do you think I made this plan Khushi? It wasn't for nothing. You saw how our families would not let us be together even for 5 minutes. Either it was Di, or Mami, or hp, or it would be your Buaji, or Kushal, My God, if that was the case before wedding, I knew I would not have you at all even after the wedding. Poor Akash and Payal. Wonder how they managed.."

Throwing a pillow at him, "You are very cunning and naughty Arnav ji, anyway, it is only a few days now, we will be with them all, I miss them all" Coming close to him, Khushi spoke getting sad, "you know Arnav ji, this has been the best part of my life, I will miss this house, our time together here, and everything"

Holding her hand between his cheeks and the pillow, he spoke, "May be I should plan for something like 6 months here and 6 months there,. But you are right Khushi, never imagined it would be this blissful, heck it is like an extended honeymoon for us" Arnav remarked, now pulling her close.

"Don't even remind me of that" Khushi told still feeling embarrassed and shy, " we never went out, we never saw anything in that place. I was so embarrassed when Di asked me show me photos of Mauritius, even now she keeps asking me.."

Coming close to her he whispered , "This is what I like, you are feisty, yet shy, I love you sooo much... KHUSHI" whispering Khushi even more huskily..

"Arnav ji".. Khushi also whispered holding his nose..., "How many times should I tell you don't call my name like that,.."

"Oh, yes I definitely will"..

"Hey Devi Maiyya, who would have thought one year ago, we would be like this, I can't believe how much you have changed, and things have changed. Then you were my raakshas, now my raj kumar." Before he could get hold of her and pull her,

"Laad governor.. I also love you dammit" Khushi winked at him and ran down to get their breakfast ready.


"Arnav Ji, how was your day? How come you sent the driver? Have you been busy, you did not even come to pick me? " Khushi was all excited when she returned from college.

Khushi came to him excitedly. Giving him a kiss, "Did you speak to Di?"

"No Khushi, I have been quite busy today. Why, is there anything?" He asked concerned..

Nodding affirmatively she said "I will be becoming a mausi soon"

"What do you mean??" Not really understanding all these terms for relations Arnav questioned.

"It means you will be becoming a mausa, meaning, bade papa (big papa)". Khushi tried to clear his doubts, but the dumb head he was in these matter, looked at her with more confusion writ on his face. Khushi clearly spelling them out, "Arnav ji, I spoke to Jiji, they are expecting a baby "

"What the Khushi? How is it possible? Don't you have any shame even saying this. How can I let Akash overtake me? This is not done, definitely not done!! Think how much you would have disappointed my Nani? Comon lets get to work, we can't be left behind.." He started his dramatics...

"Arnav ji, you are shameless and now staying with me, you have become more nautanki (Drama king) than myself" Khushi shoved him off and made her way out..

"paagal (silly),... " he smiled,..

And so it went on and on.... sometimes for fun and sometimes seriously too and sometimes even more seriously too, but always making up for each other after a day or two who couldn't stay angry with each other for long.........

With this I will leave the rest of the story to all your beautiful imagination of their fun filled nok joks, bickering's and the rest.

Please please please leave a comment if you have enjoyed reading the story

Thanks to Aman, Anjali, Nani, Mami, Mama, HP, OP, and other prakash's if I have missed..

And thanks to Shashi, Buaji, Garima, Kushal....

Should I mention special thanks to Shyam JI???

Thank you all for reading my story and encouraging through out with your valuable votes and comments. Special thanks to friends who have regularly commented on every part. It is all your support that has taken my story so far...

Could I also take this opportunity to urge the silent reader to at least comment once.. thanks anyway for reading

Will be coming up with more soon,... stay tuned..

Once again it will be before the contract marriage,... after the diwali incident..

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