17 Years before the king's fest

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There once was a human woman who was told to be kinder than anyone born, her heart was told to be made of pure gold. She supposedly saw only good in people and not their flaws. Her name was Amelia Winters. She was described to have black hair, light brown eyes, tan skin and a perfect smile. This kind hearted woman fell in love with someone outside the human clan, a dragon by the name of  Bronkiel. Like most dragons Bronkiel was able to change his form to a human one but on the skin was almost a circle, what made the circle was a dragon. Bronkiel's human form was tall and built, he had deep blue eyes and silver short hair. Both Amelia and Bronkiel met under a cherry blossom during spring, it was an unexpected situation for both of them. As their eyes met they knew that they were in love, soon that love would cause something to happen; something that wasn't what they both expected. That was was known as the King's festival for all the clans, the five major clans meet at an old oak tree and party together. It's the day all five clans stopped their Major wars and by the first five Kings of the new era of peace made an agreement to share their worlds and each rule their own kingdoms but this was thousands of years ago. The agreement also was every 18 years they would hold a festival to mark the day of peace. Amelia and Bronkiel sat near the old oak tree holding and smiling at their child, the baby was only a year old. The baby's name was Jacob Winters, his father unable to live with his love and his son at Lea gt permission from the human clan to visit him and allowed Amelia to visit Bronkiel as well. Life was perfect for these two, it wasn't uncommon for other clans to create offspring. Other  offsprings are more common than dragon and human. Raising a child in their condition wasn't easy but yet somehow these two made it work perfectly. They were the perfect family in the hybrid community. The life style of most was peaceful and loving, especially Jacob's.

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