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Hi I love set it off thanks for coming to my ted talk


Now showing private messages between BirthingCoach and FuckBoi

BirthingCoach: hey, are you okay? I know this is probably hitting you really hard too

FuckBoi: I shouldn't be hurting this much, we broke up, I have someone else, I shouldn't hurt this bad

FuckBoi: I'm sorry for all the shit I said to you, Jon

FuckBoi: I'm sure Evan went back to you for a reason

BirthingCoach: he just wanted a safety blanket I guess

BirthingCoach: he wanted things to go back to the way they were, and they were only like that when he had me, so he hoped for the best I suppose

FuckBoi: I wish I was his safety blanket

BirthingCoach: Lucas, are you happy with Jordan?

FuckBoi: ofc I am, why? What did you hear? Who told you?

BirthingCoach: Lucas be honest

FuckBoi: Jordan is back to his old habits

FuckBoi: that's why I wore long sleeves the entire time I was in Canada

FuckBoi: I don't know why I'm telling you this, I think I just need someone to trust and you're the only person that can help me

BirthingCoach: did you ever think that things were going to be different?

FuckBoi: I knew that they weren't, but I always thought that they would be

FuckBoi: I always thought that Evan would choose me in the end

FuckBoi: but I guess he chose you instead

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