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He’ll probably think I’ve got some adolescent crush on him.

Even though, if he did guess that I had the tiniest, and unimportant, crush on him, he’d most likely be right. 



As I watched Niall pace back and forth in the bedroom after we’d returned from breakfast, I felt like I was an onlooker as he stared at his phone, I wasn’t part of his world. I didn’t want to ask him what was wrong, or who he was expecting to hear from.

The questions that I would have asked him were quickly answered however.

“J?” He answers the phone after only one beat of his ringtone, clutching the phone tightly as if it were his only lifeline. I immediately knew it was his ex-girlfriend, the one who he’d only broken up with a few days ago. Remember that Marty. “How are you?”

I scoff, he was a pitiful sight, his eyes gleaming with happiness, fingers twitching from his nerves, and he bites his lip to stop him from confessing something that he doesn’t want to.

“I’m okay,” He glances up at me, “Of course I miss you.” He glances away again, moving further away from me, and I can only faintly hear him tell her that he’s fine by himself, and that he doesn’t want her to visit him. Probably because if she came she’d be in for a shock. She’d find me sharing a room with him.

He’s not the pitiful one, I am. Here I am, listening with petty jealousy of a girl who I have never met, when I’ve known Niall for almost a week, not long at all.

“What?” He gasps down into the phone now, calling me away from my thoughts. No longer do his eyes beam happiness, but are gleaming with tears that are threatening to fall. “You can’t be serious, no, I don’t want you here- why? Because you can’t just…” He looks at me again, and moves even further away, whilst I sneakily turn down the tv volume so that I can try to hear more closely. “J, you can’t pretend to be something you’re not and then try to make it up to me like this, I’m not sure I even know you, I don’t want to see you.” He’s now listening to her reply, wincing at what I’d like to assume is a nasally and whiney voice. Maybe she’s gotten really unattractive after Niall broke up with her… That may stop him from wanting to get back together with her.

What the hell is wrong with me, I don’t even know the girl and I’m wishing bad things upon her.

Is this what jealousy does to everyone? Or am I an especially bad person?

“Are you okay?” I ask him, after I’ve heard him end his phone call, he’s physically upset yet I can’t bring it to myself to mention it to him, I don’t want to point out his pain, which him and I both know I can see.

“Not brilliant.” He replies, his voice held thick by his Irish accent, and somehow it makes him sound even more upset. “In case you hadn’t realised already- that was Jessie I was talking to.”

“I know. I heard.” I confirm to him. “I’m not sure what you want me to say about it.”

“Would I be an idiot if I gave her another chance?” And there it was. “I know you have no idea what actually happened, but from what you know, do you think I should give her a second chance?”

“No.” I didn’t mean for it to sound so brutally unwavering, but his confession from a few nights ago still rang around in my thoughts. He didn’t know what love was because of this girl, she doesn’t deserve a second chance at all.

Her Name Was Marty (Niall Horan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant