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Do you remember when we used to find the worst rated movies and watch them to see if we could get through the whole thing?

Tyler : um yeah

I just got through probably the worst one of them all.

Tyler : oh yeah? Cool

I'm sorry if I woke you. I thought you'd be sleeping.

Tyler : I wasn't sleeping

Ok good

Tyler : what's the name of the movie? I'll have to see if I can get through it.

You have way less patience than I do, there's not a chance you'll get through it.

Tyler : that sounds like a challenge to me

I don't know if I'd wish it on you

Tyler : just tell me

Surf School

Tyler : ok. I'll have to check it out on my day off

Good luck, it's pretty bad.

Tyler : surprised you're up

Can't sleep

Tyler : obviously

What about you? Don't you have a game?

Tyler : I do. Maybe I'll be able to sleep after morning skate

You've played on no sleep before

Tyler : I know, but I'd rather not.

I guess those sheets are faulty after all

Tyler : I doubt it's the sheets

Probably not

Tyler : You're still using them. Does the new guy know I bought them?

It hasn't come up.

Tyler : does he like them?

Sleeping like a baby

Tyler : I told you it's not the sheets.

Yeah, yeah

Tyler : I guess it's good someone is enjoying them

Tyler : I owe you a bottle of wine

You do?

Tyler : I didn't know I still had a bottle of that stuff you like. Had someone over and she tried it and spit it right out. She hated it.

Oh no. She must have terrible taste

Tyler : Hey!

In wine, you dope.

Tyler : I was about to say, you dated me so...

Don't worry about the wine. I didn't know it was there anyway.

Tyler : you sure?


Tyler : I'm out in the yard. Almost fell asleep out here

It is a nice night

Tyler : yeah. It's stupid. I can't even sleep in my own bed

The dogs took over again?

Tyler : no.

Oh. Got it. Kick her out, it's almost time for you to leave anyway.

Tyler : not close enough. There wouldn't be a point to me sleeping right now anyway

Reminding Me : Tyler Seguin FicletWhere stories live. Discover now