Diary Entry #1

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"Bye" I shrugged.

I made my way on the bus and started looking for a seat. Most were all taken. I found one near the window as started making my way to it. While walking a foot crossed my path and I fell landing on my face. The bus erupted in laughter

"Oops" A voice said in a sincere tone, but she was anything but sincere. I looked up to see a girl. She had sparkling blue eyes and her hair was a much lighter tone than mine. She had on the cutest outfit. It looked really expensive, but why am I judging her outfit when I should be trying to get up? I rubbed my arm from embarassment and sat down in the chair.

"That wasn't cool, Elsa!" A girl yelled from the opposite side of the bus. She had two orange pigtails and looked similar to the first girl, but with lighter eye color.

"Chill, Anna. She's just some loser. I'm just showing her whose boss here" Elsa laughed

"You're not the boss around here and what you did was mean."

"Whatever" Elsa mumbled

The girl got up and made her way over. I was a bit nervous, but then she came and took the empty isle seat next to me.

"I'm sorry about my sister. Elsa has just had some really......horibble pass... Well anyway I'm Anna!" she held out her hand for me to shake it

"I'm Rapunzle, but everyone calls me Punzie. And that girl is your sister? But you seem so nice" I shook her hand

"I don't know, Elsa wasn't always like that. Well nice to meet you Punzie. Are you new?" Anna asked, we both took ours hands away after shaking

"Yeah, I just transferred from Disendale High" 

"Cool, we'll I'll show you around if you want to" she smiled revaling all her dimples

"I would love that" I nodded

The bus came to a halt and I realized that we were already at Pixar High School. It seemed like a really neat school not to mention that it was huge... You could get lost in there. I was practically staring at the school in front of the bus door that I didn't hear the nasty comments being thrown out at me from the other students trying to exit.

"I'm so sorry" I apolgized

"And so it begins" Elsa rolled her eyes and pushed past me. A group of jocks and girls following behind her.

"Don't worry about her" Anna elbowed me softly

"I'll try" I sighed

We approached the campus entrance leading into the hallway. There were some jocks hanging a kid over a trash can by one leg, teachers pacing back and forth with papers in their hands, goths lined off leaning against their lockers trying to throw broken pencils in the trash can that the kid hung over and Elsa's crew at their lockers adjusting their makeup. She scoffed at me from the corner of her eye. What was her problem? Anna and I made our way to the office where I'm suppose to get my schedule and locker number. I approached the desk where the secretary sat on her computer.

"Hi, I'm Rapunzle Archer." I greeted

At first she didn't reply until Anna started playing with the desk bell annoyingly which really set her off. She grabbed the bell then looked up.

"May I help you?" she asked with a glare

"I'm---" She interrupted me

" I heard you the first time" she snarled

"Okay.................." I said awkwardly

"So does she get her papers or not?" Anna asked with her hands to her side.

"Here you go" the lady handed me the papers

"Thankyou" I took them from her gently

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes then went back to her computer

Does everyone hate me here?

"Sorry about, Ms. Jocklemire. She's just desperate and lonely" Anna chuckled to herself as we started searching for my locker

"Locker 309" I told her looking at my card

"Oh that's right next to Jack's locker" Anna pointed to the locker we approached

"Jack?" I repeated confusingly.

I looked up to see a boy with blue orbs, shaggy light brown hair and a smirk that melted your heart. He closed his locker and brushed off his blue and white varsity jacket.

"Someone called my name" he turned to Anna and I

"Hey, Jack! This is Punzie. She's new" Anna gestured to my like I was a prize form those game shows.

"Hey, Anna. Nice to meet you, Punzie. I--" Before Jack could answer Elsa and her crew make their way over.

"Hey, babe" Elsa greeted wrapping her arm around Jack's neck and kissing his cheek which for some reason made my blood boil.

"Hey" Jack smiled

"Why are you talking to her?" Elsa asked in an offended tone

"Oh, this is--" Elsa stopped him

"Don't care, we still on for the movies after school, right?"

"Uh..Yeah" he answered

"Good" Elsa smirked

"Elsa, aren't we suppose to be going to Forever 21 after school, today?" A girl with red hair asked.

"Ariel, you're not important" Elsa said nonchalantly

"Oh" The girl hung her head down

"Well come on Jack, we don't wanna be late for class" Elsa tugged on his sleeve

"I'll catch you later, Anna. Punzie' Jack waved goodbye

"Bye" I mumbled under my breath as I shyly waved. Elsa looked back sending me to hid my hand behind my back.

"Well, what class do you have first?" Anna asked

"Science" I answered taking a look at my schedule

"Okay, I have physics. We'll meet up at lunch. Catch you later, Punzie!" Anna waved goodbye.

The bell rung and I watched until Anna's light orange hair was gone out of sight. I started walking after putting some books in my locker when I bumped into something or someone. It was that kid who the jocks were trying to stuff in the trash can

"I'm so sorry" I apolgized

"Please don't hurt me" he blocked his face

"I'm not going to hurt you" I say removing his hand gently

"Oh I thought you were Eugene or Eric or something" he looked down at his shoes

"Why do you let them do that to you?" I asked

He didn't answer. "Well I'm Punzie" I held out my hand

"Harry, but everyone calls me 'Hiccup'" he shook my hand and pulled up his glasses

"Nice to meet you, Hiccup. Well it was nice meeting you, I have class. But remember, stand up for yourself" I smiled and waved goodbye. He smiled back then we went our seperate ways.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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