Eleven, A g a i n Pt. 1

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A thank you chapter for over 4k reads :) sorry for the wait.
(Also the word again looks so  weird. Like wth. Also I'm a snake 🐍🐍🐍, I'm not high I swear. Just sick, {I've got strep})
Draco's POV:

Harry had turned eleven about a week ago, I knew that pretty soon his memories of Hogwarts from his first year would start returning again. I was worried that because we had started off hating each other he would be influenced by that and hate me again. It's not that I ever really hated him. I was more so just jealous.

I thought I hated him, but then again, I also thought my father was doing the right thing by helping the Death Eaters.

I've been trying my hardest to not dig myself a deeper grave this past year and it seems that everything I'm doing is only going to lead to me doing exactly that, one way or another.

With trying my hardest not to aggravate Weasley and Hermione, and also stay civil with the Slytherins, I've found that I'm not up to the task.

I'm only hoping that it'll all be worth something.

" This is Hogwarts! I go to school here! I'm a wizard! Ron? Hermione? This isn't the Gryffindor tower, why are we staying here... And with Slytherins? I thought you hated them, Ron?" And that would be Harry, finally recovering his first year memories.

" I do-" Ron started before being whacked by Hermione, " Not, all that much anymore... Some of them are okay?"

His eyes drifted towards Hermione, who simply shook her head realizing that was the best she was going to get out of him.

" Dra- Malfoy's here too, why is he here? He called Hermione a mudblood, but he's been nicer recently... This doesn't make sense," At this point Harry was more so talking to himself than anyone else.

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