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I'm collapsing in on myself because I can't breathe
And I can't breathe because you're suffocating me
Please just respect my space and lay off
Your pressure makes me feel like digging deep and taking the day off
And when I take the day off there is no coming back from that
No regret sign the check
Can't you see you're killing me with your tongue
Your words are poison to my brain, my heart, and my lungs
I promised myself I'll never become what you are
You fall to the ground and blame it on me
You are the one running this show called deceit
If you wanna keep going and play this game
Then step up and get in line,take your aim because I'm sick of this blame and I'm coming for you
You could've let me grow free and do what I like
Instead you stuffed me in a cage and wouldn't let me see the light
I trusted you and in the end you led me astray
And after all that you've done you ask me to stay
I don't think so no way
I'm outta this place no more time wasted enduring you
After all this time I'm finally free
I've been trapped in the dark so long I forgot how to see
I'm glad to live again now that you're gone
No more collapsing because I can't breathe
I cam breathe now because I don't have you suffocating me

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