Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ingrid's P.O.V.

"Hey, Ingrid, get your lazy ass up, now you whore!"

This is what I wake up to every morning. My bitch of a mom trying to get me to believe how worthless I am, but believe me after seventeen years of this I already know. I knew better than to get sarcastic with her and shout back. 

I've been up since last night where my parents thought it was a wonderful idea to inform me that if dinner wasn't out on the table for them by the time they got home that I could, and I quote, " Pay for college my fucking self! " as well as " If you have enough time to stuff your face, being the fat ass you are, you damn sure have time to get a job."

I know they sound bad but at least they've always given me a place to eat, sleep and shit. I am not saying I understand what they do nor that I like it in any way but it could be worse. I quickly got out of my twin sized bed and rushed to my tiny closet. Ipicked out a regular oversized T-shirt that said 'Bite Me' in white letters with vampire teeth dripping blood under it. I also grabbed a pair of dark wash jeans and a pair of red converse.

It was 6:30 am which gave me thirty minutes to do my hair, wash the dishes and walk the dog. I know what you're thinking, she has a dog and not a car!

Yes, they wouldn't buy me a car on the account that I had no fucking life which they (-my mom Stacy and my dad Mason-) made sure of. The only reason they let me have a dog is so I wouldn't bother messing with them while they were working. Pepper was my three year old Yorkie Terrier who I loved with all my heart. She was my best and only friend. I talk to her about the bullying, what guys I liked but wouldn't ever look at me and I cried in her fur when some days I felt like I couldn't keep going.

I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. Staring back at me was an emotionless and pale face. Plain brown eyes, an ovular face and dull brown hair just like my grandmother who had past on the year before. I wouldn't say I was beautiful but if I actually tried I could look better than ugly. Problem was that I never tried because I never really cared and neither did anyone else. I had a moderately bubbly butt that was in no way flat as well as perfect c-cups that I'm sure if anyone bothered to notice they'd be very appreciative. I myself didn't really care for them since whenever I walked down the stairs to get to class they seemed to bounce uncontrollably and when I was picked on people had a tendency to punch me there and it hurt like a bitch!

I straight ironed my hair and rushed downstairs, quickly going to the sink turning on the water and washing the few dishes that had been created since last night. My mom was sitting at the counter sipping coffee pretending that I wasn't there. After that I had about ten minutes to take Pepper outside, they did there thing went back through the small one way doggy door I installed by myself. I had taken my all black book-bag with me so I rushed to meet the bus at exactly 7:00 am on the dot.

As soon as I got on the bus I sat in the front seat knowing if I sat in the back I'd regret it immensely. The bus went quiet when they saw me get on and some doucheba immediately shouted, "Well look who got on the bus today, it's dear old Ingy."

I hated when they called me that and they knew it but I didn't yell anything back nor did I change my normally blank facial expression which caused more taunts meant to get a rise out of me. I could already tell today (Thursday) was going to be one long, boring and shitty day in hell, I mean school. Same thing.














Livedbut0NeverDied & Arianna_2045

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