Chapter 37 Were not all suicidal. . . well at least i'm not.

Start from the beginning

"What?! No! You just got here! You can't leave!" Bella yelled. She was basically outraged by the idea of me leaving. Did she think I was leaving for good? I wouldn't leave, especially with Victoria running around. Now that Alice is here, we can track and see her movements. I only wish Bella didn't speak or keep in touch with this so called "werewolf".

I smiled looking at Alice and Bella. " I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that. Alice? I'll explain everything,okay? We'll catch up with each other. Maybe hunt around here." She nodded suspically. I knew she wanted to know things. But she also needed stay here with Bella.In all honesty I don't think Bella would survive it. She looked so much smaller than before, that's probably our fault. Before the two of us could leave Bella's door bell rang, not to mentioned the small smell that came with it. I'm guessing her friend Jacob was here. "Its probably for the best that were not all in the same room Bell. That would be like putting fire and gasoline together. In other words they don't mix. We'll be close, okay?"

She nodded but her eyes where desperate. "Just. . . come back, okay? He won't stay for long."

We all nodded and hopped out the left window. The werewolf smell didn't bother me, considering the fact I was one. I just don't think Alice liked it very much. Cole on the other hand, well you could tell just by looking at him, he was peeved. I really don't know why, I told him that I would be back. Plus, shouldn't he be happy, that i'm happy, and not drowning in sorrow? Once we were far enough away from Bella's house, Alice made an abrupt turn and stopped. Cole and I both stopped and looked at her. I stepped forward, contusion written on my face. "Alice?"

"Who is he?" She tapped her foot impatiently.

"Uh, he's my mate." Her eyebrow rose a little. I felt bad for her, I know she wanted to see if for herself, but being that I'm a hybrid, she cant see me anyways. "Look I know it'll be hard, especially with Aro and the rest of them, but he's my mate. So Cole this is Alice my hyper sister."

She stuck her tongue out at me, and narrowed her eyes at him. "You hurt my sister, I will hurt you mutt! I will do so many painful things to you, i'll even make you eat your own arm . . . . but other than that, welcome to the family."

I blinked. Geez, I knew she had a temper, but dang. You know whats sad? I think Alice would do that. She maybe small but her temper is bigger. I waited for one of them to say anything but, they just starred each other down. Cole wasn't like this, I told him what was going to happen. I turned to my sister. "Um Alice, can you give us a moment?" She nodded, and took off, probably not far. Now Cole. "Look I understand, that vampires are different. But you have to understand, the people that rule the vampire world, are more dangerous than you could ever imagine, and by us being together, its like poking fate with a stick. We have to be cautious because if were not, bad things will happen. They don't believe in second chances. If we screw this up, we are all dead, my family . . . yours, Bella, the wolves, they will all kill us, one by one. So please just give my family a chance, because they're an amazing family. We may be vampires, we may kill animals to survive, we may not have the best communication, but were a family. There's nothing wrong with my family. Were not crazed for human blood. Were not even suicidal." I joked. We couldn't die, unless another vampire killed the individual.

Before Cole could answer, Alice ran next to us. "I wouldn't say that." She looked like she saw a ghost.

"Alice?" I asked her. Walking up to her, I grabbed her arm. "What do you mean? Are you okay?"

"I am. But Edwards not." I gave her a confused look. She looked into my eyes. "Edward went to the Volturi, he wants them to kill him."

My heart stopped. "What?" W-Why would he do such a stupid thing? Why - I couldn't think of a possible reason. My brother, my family member wanted to die. The one that has been with me from the start. The one that understood more than anyone. My brother. "Why?"

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