Wilson Covert

12 2 0

I don't really want to talk to this guy. He seemed all right, but I don't want to talk to anyone except Robin right now.

"Well, I'll let you two get to know each other!" Julie squeals after setting tea in front of us.

I wince at her loud, shrill voice. She bustles out the door, leaving me with Fabulous Hair Guy here.

"So, um...How are you?" He asks.

Stupid question.

"Oh, I'm having the time of my life, how are you?"

He looks kind of hurt. Pathetic little thing.

"Same. I just want to get out of here. I only had my name in twice. What are the odds?"

"Not in our favor is what they are."

He chuckles. "I guess not. Doesn't Julie drive you ka-RA-zee?"

I grimace at how he says 'crazy,' but reply anyway.

"She really does. She squeals like a pig. It's so irritating."

He laughs again. "How did your pre-pre training session go?"

"Okay. Yours?"

"All right."

We sit in silence for a minute before he continues.

"What part of District 12 are you from?"

"The Seam."

He looks at me with disbelief.

"Really? I don't believe it."

"Why not?"

"Well, you're just so pre-"

I cut him off. "No I'm not. Shut up. You know I'm not. I won't tell you anything."

"Well SO-ree. You're really kind of annoying you know. Not all you're cracked up to be."

"Look pretty boy, I'm not cracked up to be anything."

"Yes you are. Smart, pretty, witty-"

"Shut up!" I hate flattery. It's weak.

"Just trying to be NICE!"

"Whatever! More like trying to be flirty! I'm not looking for a partner in this sick, twisted game, so back away and lay off the flattery!"

"But you are! You need to kn-"

I throw the pitcher of ice water in his face.


I walk, very fast-paced, to the door, throw it open, and run to my room in a small car.

I hate this.

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