Chapter 1 - Who is he?

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Sam's P.O.V
"Sam! Come downstairs, dude!" Corey shouts from downstairs.
I swear, if this is some stupid prank he's dead to me, completely. No doubt about it, because these stupid pranks kinda goes too far sometimes. However, there is no denying that I do them too. Purely for revenge though.

"Corey? Why?" I shout back down questioningly, after slowly making my way out my room and standing right by the start of the staircase. For some reason, Corey isn't replying and I turn extremely suspicious. Who wouldn't?

"Is this another prank, Corey?!" I eventually shout, smiling slightly in a smirk. I just felt it in the air, and why didn't he reply me back? After saying that, Corey suddenly appeared halfway up the stairs in full speed, however he stopped abruptly halfway only too meet my eyes in a stressed out looking facade. I raised my left eyebrow, wondering what was going on.

"I'm not pranking you this time. You need to come downstairs immediately"
Corey's voice was extremely stressed out, and his voice was even strained. My heart starts to beat a little faster, feeling the seriousness rush through my veins. He was serious. This wasn't another one of his silly pranks. Based on the voice tone of his, I also had this bad feeling something bad has happened.

I didn't stand there after he said to come down immediately. I did as he said, and starts walking down the stairs in a relatively quick phase. Once I was downstairs, I joined Corey in the back yard.

"What's going on dude? Is everything okay?" I ask once I get the chance. Corey huffs heavily, shaking his head as he's hunched over. His hands flatly on his kneecaps.

"No, everything's not okay, Sam. I just got this" Corey spoke slowly, after catching his breath. I wondered why Corey was so out of breath, however I never asked why. I just grabbed the piece of paper that he was suddenly holding out to me, and I hesitatingly folded it out. My eyes scans whatever was on the paper, and I could've sworn my pale skin got even paler when I understood what had happened. My eyes averted up from the piece of paper and stared at Corey.

"You sure this isn't a stupid prank? Where's Aaron?!" I shout in panic. Corey was almost tearing up, so I guess that was enough proof that it wasn't. However, I wish it was by now. Corey stands up straight and looks my way.

"Aaron never came home yesterday, like I anticipated he would" Corey whispers. I stare at Corey in disbelief. The letter I held in my hand contained something I've never believed would be happening to us. Ever.

Hello there!
Yeah, I get it. You guys might be mighty confused and worried right now. I don't blame you! But I didn't write this to deliver nice news. Oh no no, friends. You have no idea who I am or what I belong to, but I know who you are. We have your friend, Aaron. Aaron Doh, am I right? From Vine and YouTube? Yeah, I'm sorry things had to happen this way. However, you can still save your friend. Meet me at the abandoned warehouse just down the streets from where you guys live, and bring something that can be traded. Something valuable.
— your newest friend and possibly newest enemy, Colby Brock and company. <3

Reading the letter over and over again, my tears started appearing as well. My heart raced and I felt dizzy. I look over at Corey who was freaking out just as much as me, if possibly not more.

"Should we do as he says?" I ask Corey, my voice shaking in distress. Corey looks at me like I'm crazy for a split second, but he realized that it might be the only way to save our friend. Poor Aaron, he might be terrified as we speak. Who is this dude anyway? Colby Brock? If he was a YouTuber, that would've been an awesome YouTube name, but this dude is dangerous. Who knows what's happening to Aaron right as we speak as well? What if he's being tortured or some shit?

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