(Peter's eyes suddenly get a sense of urgency and he looks right at Liz.)

PETER: "Wait, what? You think I'm Spider-Man?"

(Liz looks into Peter's eyes and smiles.)

LIZ: "No, of course not

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LIZ: "No, of course not. Why would I think that? See, there are two different types of people in the world: those who are the heroes of their story, and the extras. The background characters...Spider-Man is a hero."

PETER: "Where does that put me?"

LIZ: "With me, in the background, I guess. Don't you talk to him or something?"

PETER: "Who? Me and Spider-Man? I mainly just take his pictures...but we talk from time to time."

LIZ: "About...?"

PETER: "School, worries...girls..."

LIZ: "So the first two must be yours since Spider-Man doesn't go to school or have worries. Spidey has girl trouble?"

PETER: "Well, I guess that's a way to interpret that sentence...but I guess yeah, he has this thing about a girl..."

LIZ: "Ooooooooh, is it a positive thing?"

PETER: "Yeah...I guess so. He just gets so busy sometimes...that he gets so nervous and it becomes a bad thing..."

LIZ: "Ok...I'm curious, but we should get back to this project. From the top, ok?"

(They both stand up and get into their pre-planned spots.)

PETER: "I don't know where we are, or what we're doing here."

LIZ: (Peter makes an awkward face, making her giggle, but not enough to break the scene.) "Me neither. Who knows if there's even a way to get out of here?"

PETER: "And are you happy to be here?

LIZ: ""I'm happy that I'm here with you..." (She leans closer to Peter, as she looks longingly in his eyes) "No more lies between us...just you and me."

PETER: (leans his face closer to Liz's) "All I want in life is to be with you. Anything that..."(Forgets line, but Liz mouths "helps") "...helps me get there, I'll do it."

(Liz lets him take her in his arms. There's a warmth between them, very youthful.)

LIZ: "Then it is done, I shall die here in my love's arm..."

(Peter looks at her lips and unknowingly starts leaning closer. Liz takes note of this.)

PETER: "Yes, though the scars of past loves..." (he stumbles on that line, remembering Mary Jane...but he recovers.) "...may always haunt me..."

(Liz leans closer as well. At this point, they're on the course to kiss; however, doubt starts to creep in on Peter. "If I go into this relationship, should I tell her my secret?" "How can I keep her safe?" "Do I tell her I'm Spider-Man because we all know what happened last time?")

PETER: (whispers) "Liz...I'm Spider-Man..."

LIZ: "I know..."

(They kiss, passionately...but Peter's eyes shoot open at the words Liz said. The song "Ugotme" ends, as Peter steps back in surprise.)

PETER: "Wait, what do you mean?"

LIZ: "I saw your suit leaking out of your backpack one time, genius. Remember when I walked behind you and zipped up your backpack on Wednesday? I zipped it so no one would see it."

PETER: "Wait...you...so do you actually...and you know the whole time...but how di-"

LIZ: "Just kiss me, web-head

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LIZ: "Just kiss me, web-head."

(Peter leans in a certain amount for the kiss, but sees that she's not leaning as much as him.)

PETER: "Something wrong?"

LIZ: "I dunno, I was hoping you'd use your webshooters or something." (They both laugh)

PETER: "Oh, like this?"

(Peter slings a web and pulls Liz into his arms. They're both in young love...)

LIZ: "Yeah, that works

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LIZ: "Yeah, that works..."

(Liz and Peter kiss again, this time with no interruptions.
Cut to Peter and Liz on a random rooftop that has a great view of New York.)

PETER: "This is where I go to think...it has a great view, no chance of people coming up here; it's really just perfect."

LIZ: "Wow...so how does it feel being able to pretty much do anything you want? You could've played sports or something!"

PETER: "Yeah...I tried that, trust me. Before my uncle died, he taught me that I should only really ever use these gifts to help people, y'know?

LIZ: "Wow, sorry to hear that...and you're an Avenger, right?"

PETER: (grins) "Yup! Just got certified this past Spring."

(Liz sits down in a manner that tells Peter that there's something wrong.)

PETER: "You ok?"

LIZ: (we start to see her getting misty-eyed) "I don't know, it's really nothing..."

PETER: (sits down next to her and holds her hand) "Oh come on, tell me. I told you my secret."

LIZ: (she pauses for a second before spilling the beans, she tries to talk through tears.) "I've lost people. People I care about, y'know...? And now I care about you, a guy who happens to spend his Tuesday's fighting off aliens and criminals. I just don't want to lose you too-"

PETER: "Hey now...you're not losing me. I promise."

(We pan out and see a couple of teenagers in love, relieved that they both felt the same way about each other.)

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