Fight for him (Amira x Scott)

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Amira got into a fight with the wolfpack. It ended with Amira covered in bleeding screatches and the wolfpack looking like a pile of coals.
Why did she got into this fight, you may ask?
Well... if there's one thing that Amira doesn't like more than humans is people who betray their friends. People that when you think you can trust them, they stuck a knife in your back.
That's exactly the case with the wolfpack and Scott.
She hasn't told it to anyone (except her closest friends- Oz, Vicky and Brian), but she liked the dumb yet cute werewolf called Scott.
He might seem like another one of thoes jocks from the movies, with the low IQ and an optimistic personality, but when you get close to him, When She got close to him she found the most caring and sweet person in the world. He was an adorable dorky nerd in a body of a football player.
She loved to sit next to him at lunch, talk to him in any chance that's given to her, doodle him in her notebook while the teachers are explaining some boring things about math and history...
She loved him.

Anyways, back to the story.
The wolfpack didn't like other monsters and nerds. He is the actual jock fromthe movies.
When he found out that Scott hang out with Vicky, Oz, Liam (who are the "school's ultimate nerds*, as the wolfpack calls them) and Amira at the arcade ( A.K.A "Nerds' heaven", again, by the wolfpack), he didn't like that at all.
"What's next? Are you going to wear glasses? Read books? Listen in class?" The wolfpack teased the poor werewolf in front of the whole school. "You don't deserve to be in the football team, you damn nerd!"
"Dude..." Scott was about to say something, but he was cut short by a punch to the face from the wolfpack.
Scott fell to the ground, holding the black eye that was created by the punch, looking at the stronger werewolf, trying to hold the tears.
"Are you going to cry?" The wolfpack laughed. "You are so f*cking weak!"
Amira knew she had to do something.
"Leave him alone, you dumb pile of smelly fur!" She yelled over to the wolfpack.
"Amira, don't." Brian said. "Are you crazy?!" Vicky shouted at her. "This is NOT going to end well." Oz said.
Amira looked at her shocked friends, than at her crush, who niw smiled a little bit, than at the pissed wolfpack, who was looking at her.
"Oh, look! A GIRL is trying to protect you, Scott!" The wolfpack laughed. "Now we know who's gonna be the boyfrie-"
Before he could finish the sentence, a fireball that was lunched from Amira's hand, flew close to him and hit a wall behind him.
"This is just a warning, idiot!" She said in a cold tone. "Leave Scott alone and nobody is gonna get hurt."
"Bring it on, you little sh*t." He responded, ready to fight.

The fight began.
Fireballs and punches were thrown, as the other students are watching them.
Some of the students were cheering for Amira, some for the wolfpack, some were placing bets (Like Brian and Vicky) and some of them recorded the entire fight.
At the end, Amira was standing over the defeted and burned wolfpack as the crowd applouded.
Of course, she was sent to detention afterwords.

After the crowd left the area, leaving Amira and Scott by themselves, he looked at her and smiled.
Amira felt her heart beating fast in her chest, almost as if it's going to make a hole and pop out of it. She felt the blood going up to her face.
"Thanks for standing up for me." Scott said. " I mean, you didn't really have to do that, but still."
"No problem." She said, smiling back. "I just hate to see people who stabs others in the back."
"But he punched me. He wasn't stabbing." Scott said.
Amira laughed. He was stupid, yet to adorable and kind to be mad at.
After she calmed down, Scott looked at her injuries.
He held her arm, looking at each mark on it.
"You should go to the nurse." He said, not realizing that he made her blush hard.
"Y-yeah..." she said, a little nervous.
"I'll come with you." He said."I need ice for my eye anyways."
She smiled and hugged him.
"I love you, big guy." She said.
After realizing what she said out loud, they both stood in silence, staring at each other in shock, both of them were blushing.
"I-I-I...I mean... oh god..." she said, anxious as if it was a math exam. "Oh god...I-I'm so sorry... I-"
Her mouth was shutted when she realised that Scott's lips are kissing hers softly.
"That's cool. I like you too." He said.
She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his head as he hugged her waist, kissing her again.
They stood like this for a while, until they hears someone yelling in a really high pitch.
They turned their heads to see that the source of the scream was no other than Vicky, who watched them along with Oz and Brian.
"Finally!" She said. "Get your man, Am!"
"Get a room!" Brian shouted at them, as Oz was applouding.
The fire demon and the werewolf laughed in embarassment.
They looked at each other.
"Now, enough with this Lovey-Dovey things." Oz said. "Go to the nurse."
"Okay! Okay! We're going!" Amira laughed.
Scott picked up his brand new girlfriend and gave her a piggy-back ride to the school's nurse's office.

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