Chapter Five

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Maddie's POV

I cant believe I have 5 friends already. That's a new Maddie Ziegler record.

"I hope Abby's okay," I admit. "Someone helped her right?"

"Well, it was a pretty...graphic moment," Paige responds.

"Oooh story time!" Kendall cheers. She turns to me "Paige is the most detailed story-teller ev-a!"

"Well not the best..." she argues.

"Just tell the story bonkers," Chloe joins in.

"Okay. Well I went to get Maddie's suticase, wig and glasses, and James was in there, with Payton Ackerman. I told him about Abby being shot. This may sound weird for you Maddie, but he handed me and Payton a gun from behind the mats. We had trained for this day. Eventually, there was more than one cop. We had to sneek around every corner, and shoot every cop we saw. We found Gianna already helping Abby. The gunshot wound was only in her shoulder, so it didn't kill her, she was just unconcious. Payton brought Maddies stuff to the back entrance, while James and I looked for more cops. When it seemed to be all clear, I ran toward the back entrance where, apparently, a cop was waiting for me. I bolted out and into the car, and now we're here!"  I just stare at her. Trained? Killing cops? This is all because of me.

"Ugh I am so confused. Can someone just tell me what's going on?" I sigh.

"When we get to the place we're staying at in Singapore, we'll tell you," Brooke says. Her voice is serious but calming at the same time. Why do these people care about me so much?

"Girls!" Jill calls out. "We're gonna be landing around 3:00 AM so get some sleep, it's already 10PM." We all recline our chairs and lay back. Chloe grabs my hand and I grab Paige's. 

"Thank's guys," I say to them. 

"No. thank you." And I know I'll understand in Singapore. I fall asleep.


We are settling in rooms, 3 kids in each, at the house in Singapore when Jill calls us down for breakfast. 


 Chloe, Paige, and I walk out of our shared room and down the stairs into the kitchen. This house has 5 huge bedrooms! 

Every breakfast food you could think of is set up on the huge table. Bacon, saugage, eggs. Toast bagles, English muffins. Pancakes, waffles, muffins of all kinds. Fruits, vegetables, cereal. Orange juice, apple juice, milk, water.  Even the others are surprised by this. We eat until there is no room left. Everyone except for the adults ends up taking a nap since we're so stuffed. When Chloe and Paige wake up, I'm already awake, looking through a duffle bag of the girls clothes that they willingly donated. 

"Okay, spill," I say, my eyes staring into theirs. 

"Spill what?" Chloe fakes. 

"Why I should be dead!" I protest.

"You shouldn't be dead. The world is just stupid." Paige says back.

"Just tell me."

"How much do you want to know? The whole, long, detailed story? Or the brief reason?" Chloe questions.

"Whole, long, detailed story!" I smile at them. They exchange a worried look. 

"Then we better go somewhere else!" Paige suggest. I sigh.

"You guys are never gonna tell me, are you?" I whine.

"Trust us," they say, simultaneously. And their eyes make me give in. 

"Alright let's go."

"Off to Abby's house!" Chloe cheers. Isn't abby in yusa/

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