so so are you going to ask her or what I mean if you got the balls

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Normal pov.

Blackstar andsoul were talking to in the male's bathroom while using the urinals so man do you plan to ask my sister to the prom or what Blackstar asked zipping his pants up I don't know man you think should say it yes so sad sipping his pants up and going over to the sink to wash his hands come on man of course she'll say yes she's Maka the coolest badass girl I know Blackstar said liking some of the water and sowle face that's so wiped it off with his other hand I don't think so man but I guess it won't hurt to try so said with an awkward look on his face yeah man I mean unless you don't have the balls to do it Blackstar said giving him a derp face shut the fuk up black star Soul said walking out of the bathroom to meet up with the rest of the girls and of course kid in Corona when Soul noticed that Maka and Tsubaki were missing hey wish Maka Tsubaki Blackstar asked looking over to kid in Corona as they both Shrugged in unison saying I don't know assault tap Tashan wondering where his roommate could be

Meanwhile with the girls we're talking at the top of the roof so Maka are you can ask a little prom or are you going to wait until ask you zablocki asked the girl with the beautiful green eyes and ash blonde hair I don't think he likes me like I like him but I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask him right Maka said looking over to her friend with a slight smirk on her face yeah Maka that's the spirit but I'm sure for sure he totally likes you Tsubaki said while pumping her Fists in the air he he he he Maka laughed at her friends actions you think Maka asked her friend totally Uzumaki said okay okay if Soul doesn't ass by the end of the day I'll ask him to go to prom with me tomorrow okay Maka asked the raven haired girl okay little smile on your face okay then we should get up class starts in an hour Maka said okay Tsubaki said running after her best friend as the two girls left

Soul pov

Maka and Tsubaki had just entered the room Maka sitting next to me and did you next me sitting on the left of Black Star hey where were you two Blackstar asked with a serious face which I never thought he had but I guess when I came to a sister he was always serious we were just at the Ruth Black Star no need to worry Maka chuckled patting her brother on the back what were you talking about I asked Maka as a light blush formed on her face oh you'll see Maka said before I could ask another question Stein came in with his chair and of course like always he fell

Maka pov

Okay okay I know what you're thinking Maka you must love school because you're a genius and you always get a used new read a lot of books but let me tell you this sister or whoever the heck you are I hate it I hate school I hate this stupid class I hate all of it and you want to know what I do not read books I read mangas mangas people there's a difference mangas are funny animated this s*** this this s*** does not have pictures it is not funny it is not to my interest and has nothing to do it anime therefore it is not something I want to learn and this stupid class it's the same thing every f****** day and they expect us to write notes about stuff we learned the day before I hate class I hate it all just can't wait until the day is over and with that let's just say everything went black okay I sound like I'm saying I knocked out no I fell asleep I just I fell asleep I give up until I felt a horde tap on my shoulder Awakening me from my beautiful slumber to see sowle hot adorable face looking at me he Maka you awake cuz everybody already left to lunch so told me lunch I screamed as I ran out of the classroom faster than a bullet sowle close behind me when we got there we saw Kid and Crona giving each other a look of disgust oh no what did I miss

Kid pov.
Uhg just uhg who does he think he is stupid Justin law getting in the way no no no no no krona is in my boyfriend not Justin laws so why is Corona going all Google eyed for him when he has a boyfriend already I can't believe Crona to think he actually liked me just like I thought hero did he makes me so angry but at the same time he's so cute I just want to kiss him but I was so mad at Corona right now well, just gave me this sad I'm sorry look I'm sorry kid I don't know what I did wrong what did I do wrong kid Corona said looking at me with a sad look but I was too angry to even empathize it you want to know what you did Corona you were Google lying hero like he was some piece of meat I'm your boyfriend what the hell I said sorry kid I wasn't giving him google eyes I was just thanking about how he hurt you I wanted to understand how such a nice guy like him could hurt you Corona said on the bridge of Tears with a sigh I put my hands on Coronas and said I'm sorry I'm sorry krona I said looking at his beautiful violet colored eyes it's okay kid I'm sorry about hero Corona said and I'm sorry if I hurt before Corona could finish is sentence I forcefully pushed my lips against his front of froze for a second but slowly melted into the kiss as our friends all awwwwed us well not all our friends mostly the girls well three of the girls including Liz Patty and sabaki Maka was giving us a good for you smile while soul and black star were just staring off into space whatever um Corona I said bring everyone's attention back to me yes on the side with a sweet smile Corona would you be my prom date I said with the biggest flush on my face oh my God yes kid I would love to be your prom date Chronixx claimed hugging me as everyone cheered for us

Time skip brought to you by too lazy to write the rest of the school day

Soul pov .

I was getting ready to ask Maka out to prom I decided that I would write her song cuz it's the only way I can really let out my feelings I was finally done writing it I got my keyboard out and called the Maka Maka I yelled from my room yeah soul Maka back can you come here for a sec  sure one sec she yelled as I got ready Maka came in so what's up soul Maka asked with concern tone and curiosity Maka could you sit down for a sec I said sure soul and with that Maka walked over to my bed and sat down as I started too play *#playvideo on the top*

fter I finish the song I turned around to Maka to see her looking at me with a please look and a big goofy smile on her face I was about to ask her if she would go to prom with me before I could ask Maka stood up and said yexel I'll go to prom with you and with that she kissed me on the cheek and said goodnight while I stood there in my room dumbfounded buy that she actually said yes she actually said yes to me a shark tooth red-eyed demon looking guy like me she said yes best day of my life

the new girl I fell in love with  soulxmaka Where stories live. Discover now