Worth the Wait

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SUMMARY: You and Elias have been together for awhile, but you have yet to take it to the next step. You confront him about it and it leads to smut. SMUT. 

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 "So how are things with Elias?" Alexa asked as she nudged your elbow and gave you a knowing smirk.

"They're...going," you sighed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why do you sound sad?" She asked.

"I'm not sad. He's great-"

"But?" She said as she waited for you to give her more details.

"But he hasn't tried to take it any further." You said as you looked down at the ground, slightly embarrassed to admit that in the month you had been dating, you and Elias had yet to have sex.

"Wait, what? You guys haven't-" She said as she pointed at you.

You sighed and shook your head, slightly embarrassed to talk about your sex life - or lack of - with the girls.

"Girl what are you waiting for? If he won't give it, take it." She said.

"I don't know, Lex. I mean, what if he doesn't want to-"

"Stop right there. Look at you. You're hot as hell. He'd be crazy to not want you." She said.

"You're right. Maybe I can talk to him tonight after the show." You said.

"Good luck! Let me know how it goes tomorrow!" She smiled at you. "But for now...I have an undefeated streak to go beat." She added as she grabbed her Championship from the table next to her and headed down the hallway towards Gorilla.

Later that night you were in your hotel room and you started to wonder why Elias hadn't tried to take things further.

You'd been friends for about a year since you got called up to the main roster shortly after Wrestlemania last year. You and him usually traveled city to city together, not to mention the hundreds of late night drinks and early morning breakfasts you had shared together.

Things with him felt natural and easy so it wasn't a huge surprise when he suggested a date. The two of you got along so well as friends, why couldn't you turn that into a great relationship?

Four weeks. About a dozen official dates, not including the car rides from show to show or eating lunch together in catering before Raw and SmackDown. And yet nothing more than a few heated kisses.

It wasn't that the dates were bad. They had all been great. At the end of each date together he would walk you back to the hotel and make sure you got home safely. After the third or fourth dated you started to think it would happen. After the seventh or eighth you were sure it would happen. You thought he would invite you into his hotel room or invite himself into yours. I mean you were both adults. And there was obviously an attraction there, or at least there was on your end. But every time he would pull you in close, wrap his arms securely around your waist before pressing a soft, gentle kiss on your lips. He'd pull away slowly and lean up and press a kiss to your forehead before taking a step back and bidding you farewell.

Tonight. Tonight you were ready. More ready than you had ever been. And you made a promise to yourself that at the end of your date tonight if he didn't take the first step, you would.

You spent the next hour getting ready. Pulling on a pair of dark skinny jeans with a low cut maroon top that showed off your cleavage before topping it off with a black leather jacket to keep you warm in the cool winter air. You applied a little bit heavier makeup than normal choosing to go with a classic smoky eye with a bold red lip.

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