chapter 14:broken child

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The whole day was spent next to yoongi after you got your nervousness together and after a full hour and a half of just apologies, he told you to shut up and listen to him.

He said and in quote, "Don't worry your pretty face because I love you and nothing will change that. But you were stupid to think nobody would try to save you because I will.  Always."

My dad once read me a quote form a book that said,
"Love stories are written in millimeters and milliseconds with a fast, dull pencil whose marks you can barely see" "They are written in miles and eons with chisel on the side of a mountaintop." Meaning a love story can take ethier a million years or be like a fast pace river.

Many people don't realize that a love story does not happen on the spot,  I might be wrong but love takes time to form, aleast thats how my love story happened.

"The diary is filled with pages and pages of what seemed to be all the high and lows in your life, Mom"

"Dad, i miss him he was the best."
The beautiful face with the closed eyes were never going to be seen again as the ground covered her.

"Mom, why did you leave me and rose alone? We're so scared." The tears we're unstoppable, but the day passes by altogether. Roses we're held tight in my hands, soon dropped on the now wet grave of a beautiful mother who's handsome husband was lying next to her.

Those words we're like knifes that cut into my thourt leaving deep blood gushing cuts that left me with out vocal cords to speak leaving me with only with the sobs of a broken child who lost there parents.

A broken child who's life was soon be to cut short, because of the underlineing feeling of loneliness. It was to much to handle for a little girl.

But the birds singing in the Sycamore tree, reminded me of a song that mom would sing to me and my sister to sleep with.

Sperate me form this hell (Yoongi ff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora