Chapter 2

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I woke up on a bed in a medical room type place. I took a deep breath and tried to relax while remembering what happened before I passed out. It took me a few minutes to realize that someone was asleep next to my bed. It was that cute guy, the one that carried me here. My thoughts were interrupted by two boys bustling into the room. Beside me Mr. Eyebrows shot awake and looked around until his gaze fell upon me. He sighed in relief before walking off without a word. Then some boy came up to me and asked me how I felt.
"How do ya feel?" He asked
"Confused." I replied.
"Yea, once ya feel better you'll get a tour."
"Gally has been sitting there for a while, he wouldn't even get up to eat. I think he likes you," he said with a smirk.
"Shut up," I replied trying to get up. I walked outside and took a deep breath, accepting where I was, and gathering my surroundings. I walked around for a bit before being stopped by that dark skinned boy, Alby I think his name was.
"We should probably get you some food before beginning your tour. I'm glad you woke up early so we have plenty of time. I'm going to give the tour this time, instead of Chuck." He stated in a monotonous voice. We walked to what I presumed was the kitchen and took a sandwich each from the counter. We began the tour and he explained the 4 main sections. The Deadheads is where they bury people, the Homestead is where they sleep, the Bloodhouse is where they keep and chop up animals, and the Gardens where they grow the food. It was pretty easy to remember, the only thing that annoyed me though was that I couldn't ask questions until the end. He told me that everyday for a week I would try out the different jobs and pick which one I'm best at. The only thing I was concerned about was running. I really didn't want to go out beyond these walls. Away from what I think is safety. I got use to the idea pretty quickly that I wouldn't be getting out of here. I looked around at the different jobs until I found the builders, where Gally works. As I looked over he ripped his shirt off to reveal his chiseled chest. Bloody hell being a builder really does somework on ya. He looked over and caught me staring, before I looked away I could have sworn I saw a smirk play across his face before continuing to work. Oh my God that was embarrassing I could feel my cheeks turn dark red as I walked away. I was actually starting to like I here, I honestly didn't care that I couldn't remember anything, that I was stuck in this place, and I didn't care that I was the only girl. It felt like I had been here before as a matter of fact. It felt like a home. My thoughts were interrupted by that kid who tried giving me a tour the first time.
" Hey Skylar!" He beamed.
"Why are we here exactly?" I asked whilst looking around the Glade.
" Don't really know, none of us do."
" Oh, ok."
" Your the first one to not question that much, are all girls like this?"
"I'm gonna walk around a bit ok."
" Can I come?"
" I kinda wanna go alone.
" Ok." He cheerfully stated before walking away.
I walked slowly towards the Deadheads keeping my head down. I thought it would be best not to draw any attention. As I got nearer to my location I heard some footsteps behind me. I chose to ignore them hoping they'd get the hint that I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I felt two hands grab me from behind, I thrashed around hoping to get free but I couldn't. The thought of being so hopeless was unsettling I continued kicking and punching but still I was unable to get unhinged from the strong grasp that upheld me. The person tried to sooth me, telling me to calm down, but that only made me more terrified.

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