"What? Why?" Rufus, who had been watching this whole thing with glee, whined. Mr. Bernard shot him a looked that made him bolt out of the room. Luna quietly left last.

"Sarah Beth?" Gregory put a hand on my arm. I ignored him. "I'm sorry. I love you..."

"Apparently not as much as Victur Krum, or the bludger..." I finally turned to him.

"Oh..." He thought for a moment. "But, Sarah Beth! It's Quidditch! Of course I'm going to look at it!" My jaw dropped.

"You actually do love it more than me! You are the scum of the Earth! You are-"

"I'm kidding!" He threw his arms around me. "I'm kidding!" He kissed the top of my head.

"No you're not!" I tried to wiggle out of his grip. He stopped moving and looked into my eyes. Something in them looked more serious then I've ever seen him be.  Maybe he was telling the truth... "Prove it." I whispered, letting some of my curly hair fall into my face.

Wordlessly, he got up, walked across the room, and picked up the bludger. Then, he opened the window. With out a second thought, he threw it out. My eyes widened.

"You do! You do love me!" I flew up and almost tackled him. He picked me up and twirled me around. I quickly gave him a few quick kisses.

"I love you, Sarah Beth."

"I love you, too!"

"Look! Mistletoe!" He pointed above us. I looked.

"Gregory, there is nothing there!"

"I know. I was just seeing if it would work!" He smiled. "But do I still get a kiss for trying?" He looked like a child trying to patently wait to go into Honeydukes. I laughed and gave him what he asked for. Then, we sat down in front of the fire again. I cuddled up to him and stayed there, getting comfortable. As time passed, my eyelids started to get heavy.

"Sarah Beth?" Luna came in from the kitchen. I sat up and looked at her. "My father's here. Goodbye." She crossed over and hugged me, then, to his dismay, Gregory.

"Bye, I love you!" I called after her as she left the room again. I yawned and cuddled up again. We sat again for a while until Rufus and Mr. Cornelius came in.

"It's nine o'clock, Frecks." Rufus grabbed my arm and tried to pull me up. I pulled back.

"I know what time it is." I replied, annoyed.

"Aren't you tired?" He asked.

"No." I lied. I wanted to spend every moment I could with Gregory before he left. Rufus let out a noise similar to a growl. He could tell that's why I canted to stay awake. I hugged Gregory.

"You just want to stay with that Goyle." Rufus sneered.

"He can stay here for the night, if he wants." Mr. Cornelius offered. My eyes widened, despite my tiredness.

"He can? Oh, please tell me that you're telling the truth! Oh, please! Please! Please!"

"Yes, I am, Sarah Beth." He patted the top of my head.

"Did you hear that, Gregory?! You can stay!" My hug tightened. Gregory returned it.

"Yeah, I probably need to tell Mum. If I don't she'll have a panic attack. Can I-"

"Go ahead." Mr. Cornelius pointed to the jar of Floo Powder on the mantle. Gregory got up, forcing me to let go of him and threw come in. Mrs. Clarrissa's face appeared in the fire.

"Oh, Gregory! Where have you been, young man! I thought you were just in your room, and then I go to check on you and your broom is gone! I have been worried sick! I-"

Eleanor Snape- Book 3Where stories live. Discover now