Pilfering Through My Mind

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When everyone got back from Christmas break, the real work began. Every teacher started assigning an abundance of work, including Uncle Severus. But that didn't seem very out of the ordinary; O.W.L.s were only months away, and they all wanted us to do well. Not for our own sake, but for theirs; good test scores meant that a student had had a successful teacher.

It took a week or so for trouble to find me again. I started out the day as normally as possible, getting ready for the day, meeting Vincent in the Common Room, then going on to breakfast. When we got there and sat at our usual place, I immediately started eating the fruit Vincent had passed to me.

"If Miss Umbridge gives us one more paper to do-" Goyle started.

"Miss?" I rolled my eyes. "Since when is she 'Miss'?"

"Since when is anyone 'Miss' to you?" Draco added, taking a bite out of a waffle.

"I-I don't know." Gregory stuttered, blushed, then quickly took a sip of his orange juice. I angrily frowned; Sarah Beth was changing him, and I wasn't sure if I liked it. Sensing my annoyance, Vincent put his hand over mine. I shot him a fierce look that made him quickly remove it. So instead, he tried changing the subject.

"Did anyone finish their Charms work last night?"

"Does anyone care?" Draco asked. Pansy let out a loud snort.

"I was just wondering!"

"THE SIGHT!" A hand was laid on my shoulder, making me jump. I quickly jerked around to see the bug-like eyes of Trelawney staring back at me. "IT HAS RETURNED TO YOU!"

"You are crazy!" I finally let all the annoyance she had brought upon me for the last two years out. "What are you talking about?!"

"Your visions have returned! Vivid ones at that!" I had never seen her so excited. It really got on my nerves.

"And how do you know this? Have you been hiding under my bed at night?"

"That one informed me!" She pointed a long, ring decorated finger at Pansy, she offered at fake smile and small wave. I could feel my face getting red from anger as I got up.

"It's not 'The Sight!" Frustrated, I jumped up and yelled at the Divinations Professor. "And you keep your stupid little pug nose out of my business!" I barked at Pansy. By this time, I had caused a small scene, and several people were looking at me; including the Staff Table. Umbridge got up and marched over to us.

"What is the meaning of this?" She said in an overly sweet tone; the one Sarah Beth often uses. Trelawney gestured to me.

"I'm helping the child discover her Inner Eye!"

"You're stalking me! That's what you're doing!" I shouted, a bit to loudly. Suddenly, the whole room went silent as every eye turned to us.. I blushed and froze, unsure of what to do. Everyone was looking at me. "I-um..." I felt Vince touch the back of my hand. I winced; I had to get out of there. I didn't like everyone looking at me.

Very slowly, I backed up until I got to the end of the table. From there, I turned back aorund and, as fast as I could without looking foolish, scampered out of the Great Hall. I quickly made my way to the first safe haven I could find; a girl's bathroom. I stopped in front of the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. Calm down, Elle. You're okay...

"Well, I heard he's taking Remedial Potions." My ears perked up. Remedial Potions? Who's taking Remedial Potions? I looked towards the door just in time to see two Second Year Hufflepuffs come in. I looked away before they could notice me staring at them, but I continued listening.

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