words from the author // explanation

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hello :)

i just wanted to say all my thanks to anyone who's read and voted for every chapter in this book! and if you haven't done so, maybe you could go back and help me?

i had a few problems along the writing process of this story and i'd like to express my deepest regrets if this didn't measure up to the two other stories in this series so far. 

i harbor the deepest respect for each and every one of you and no matter how late you came to read this, i will try my best to reply to every comment. if i don't reply, it's probably because replying means me giving out spoilers!

i love you all. and i would appreciate it very much if you would read my other stories. if you'd like a softer, sadder story why don't you go for my story Insane which is also an Ashton story?

that's all i guess. oh, wait. 


1. the hexagrams, pentagrams and scarab beetles are well-known symbols used for witchcraft and summoning evil spirits. NEVER TRY THIS AT HOME 

2. if you haven't noticed yet, all the boy's name are biblical. he likes using the names as to make a farce out of God (to disrespect God but gosh the irony). He is NOT suffering from identity dissociative disorder aka. multiple personality.

3. The 'foreign language' or as ash has simply put it: words written backwards are notorious for being a language used in witchcraft.

4. the head is anna's, if you're wondering lmao

5. There was no real significance to the songs, well- I had an idea planned but I didn't know how to write it without you guys getting confused. oh whale i still like how this turned out.

if i had missed anything, please let me know :)

13 Songs On A Black Cassette ➼ irwinWhere stories live. Discover now