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A broad smile crossed his face at your words, showing you his dimples. For a split second, he hesitated whether you'd kick him out or not, and he was starting to worry about you choosing the first option.

"Wise choice," he mumbled, raising his hands to place them on both sides of your face, lowering his head down to rest his forehead against yours, "Now what?" he teased, brushing his lips against yours.

"Now, kiss me," you whispered.

He obliged, pressing his pink lips against yours, in the softest of ways. But you needed more. You wrapped your fingers around his shirt and pulled him closer, opening up your mouth for him, letting his tongue find yours, twisting together. He was definitely a good kisser, that was undeniable.

He let his hands roam over your body, slowly caressing the exposed skin of your jaw and your neck, making their way down your arms and your sides and letting one of them rest on one of your boobs, almost absent-mindedly rubbing one of your nipples through your clothes. He could feel your nipple getting harder under his experienced touch, as his lips pressed wet kisses against that sensible spot on your neck. You sighed, melting under his fingers, feeling that warm sensation spread through your centre to all of your limbs. His other hand was resting on your bum and he gave you a little squeeze.

"Shall we take this to the bedroom?" he asked, looking for an answer in your eyes. He wanted to make sure you wanted this as much as he did. Above all, you were his best friend. You limited your answer to a simple nod, kissed him once more and grabbed his hand to lead the way.

You walked silently to your bedroom, closing the door behind you. You felt really nervous about this, but at the same time the fact that it was Harry, your Harry, kept your nerves at ease. You knew he wouldn't do anything you didn't want to do, you knew you could trust him blindly.

"Hey, we don't really have to do this if you don't want to," his voice got you out of your thoughts and brought you back to that moment, to him.

"I want to," you replied, firmly holding your gaze.

He didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you closer. He nuzzled the curve of your neck and placed a kiss there. His hands sneaked beneath your clothes to finally make direct contact against your naked skin. His fingers felt a little bit cold against your hot skin, but you liked how it felt. You captured his lower lip with yours and sucked lightly, drawing him to you.

You started kissing again and you dared to lower your hands to touch his bum. At first, it felt awkward because it was your Harry the one that was standing right there in front of you, kissing you like you'd never been kissed before and sliding his hands underneath your clothes. It was his ass and, although you'd playfully spanked him before, this was something different. Something about it felt odd, forbidden, but at the same time it felt so good to feel it under the palms of your hands. You squeezed it shyly, soft shades of pink spreading through your cheeks, as you closed your eyes hoping he wouldn't notice. He was yours, at least for that night so why not take the opportunity? You removed your hands from his backside and placed them flat against his belly, feeling his abs tense under your touch, sliding them higher up to his chest. Although you knew there shouldn't be anything odd on his skin, it felt weird not feeling anything different on his inked skin. You didn't need to watch to know exactly where the butterfly tattoo was, and yet, his skin was smooth and warm, just like the one on his belly. You slid your hands higher up his body, aiming for him to take off his shirt so you could see his naked torso.

You traced the ink of the butterfly with your fingertips once he removed his shirt and, for a couple of seconds, you forgot about everything else. Your eyes were focused on the black ink, on his smooth skin, on your fingers sliding along the shape placed just under his chest. He looked at you, and the image of you drawing his butterfly with your fingertips brought back a memory he'd been hiding at the back of his mind without even knowing.

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