Chapter Seventeen

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     When Harry called me at eleven on Saturday, I was terrified. Max had offered coming with me to the hospital but Anne was sick, I urged him to stay with her. I had no time to admire the starry sky as I raced to the hospital.

     "I don't know what happened!" Harry said in a panic voice on phone, "It was dark and I was with Bonn, and I was switching the radio channel, and the green light was on, and she came out of nowhere!"

     "Calm down, which floor?" I asked.

     "Fifth," Harry breathed, "damn it, Minnie."

     I went out of the lift, looking at the white room. I was in a hospital, and I tried not to be terrified. Harry was sitting on a chair at the end of the corridor. Bonn was sitting next to him, patting his shoulder. Harry looked up, eyes were blood-shot. I hugged him. Harry's breathing on my neck was shaky.

     "What did the police say?" I asked.

     "They let him go. I was in the car and the green light was really on, but she seemed in hurry and came out of the road. We hit her accidentally." Bonn said gloomily, "this young lady inside got hurt. Should someone call your mum, son?"

     "Don't call her," Harry said, "please don't. I- I don't want her to worry about it."

     "But - "

     "I'll let her know later," Harry managed a smile at him.

     Bonn hugged Harry tightly, "it'll be alright, son. I'll do the paper work for you. Minnie will look after you. "

     "I can't believe I hurt someone again," Harry said quietly when Bonn walked away, "I think you should go, Minnie."


     "I hit Erica Johnson," Harry said. "And Don is inside with her. She, like, I think she lost a leg. It was accident, she can't press charges because I have witness and she shouldn't come out in the first place. There was a green fucking light!"

     I didn't wait for Harry, and went inside the room, stood behind a blue curtain. I heard voices, loud and frustrated.

     "I'm sorry it happened to you, and it might not be the best time to talk about it, but, Erica, we can't be together anyway," I heard the male's voice.

     "Are you splitting with me right now? I lost a fucking leg!" the mad woman shrieked.

     "Look I shouldn't be together with you in the first place. We grew up together, you're like my sister. Yes, that night I was drunk, but nothing afterward. I have a girlfriend."

     "You had a girlfriend, and you have nobody now. No brother, no girlfriend," Erica said.

     "Who was there to comfort you when you were all upset about you and Harry? Who helped you and Minnie things got bad? I was there all along! I didn't even know Minnie until I started counselling her!"

     "Would women on this earth just stop lying?" Don panted, "Minnie lies. You lie! You paid them to get her, didn't you? Yes, I've known it. You told me when you were drunk. I was torn, you know that? I wanted to report you but I've known you forever! You know how much I love her. I found Shane, he even thought that I was going to hit him. He told me the truth. I don't give a fuck about what you do now."

     "Minnie is just some girl you met a few months ago," Erica said, "she is mental and ill and you knew it. I thought after the caution you'd know what kind of woman she is. When she guessed about you and Zara, she told me how confused she was. I helped her. She doesn't even understand love or you. I'd always been the right one for you. I was the one encouraged you to find your mum, the one who was with you though you pretend you don't know me in the morning and come crawling back to me at night."

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