"Don't worry, it's their last night staying," Harry mumbled softly. "Nothing can go wrong tonight, it's like the weather report, everything is planned and prepared. Like, you have a pretty dress, and Max ironed his shirt - I ironed it actually, and I made the food. Brilliant food. And we were great for the past few days, and they're your parents. They don't judge, I don't think they would judge you or anything."

     "I don't worry," I said, "probably except for Max. Usually just people worry stuff, hovering around me. I just feel bad about things."

     "Oh," Harry said. "We should go somewhere. Later. Away. You like the Emma Lake. Don said every girl likes a lake with trees around, and my mum said that would be romantic. You like romantic things, right?"

     "You've never said what you want to do with me," I said.

     "We go to somewhere, visit places, and we get back to town before night. Forest is nasty at night," Harry said. "We go during Christmas."


     "What is the scarred thing about?" Harry asked. "Do you remember, you know, when your mother said -"

     "I do remember," I said, I turned to look at Harry, staring right into his eyes. I had to ask him something important. "Do you think I am like an angel? Max and somebody else do."

     Harry replied quicker than I thought he would.

     "I love you," he said. And I realised Harry was just an easy person, and I realised he didn't know me. Harry only knew the stage Minnie who everybody, Max, my parents and Jennifer and school, desperately needed, while the people who saw through me were miles away. Miles, worlds away. I became very sad.

     I nodded and I kissed him. His hands were on my face, and on my body, and I saw him closing his eyes. He kissed my lips, my jaw and my neck. I didn't stop him. I only hoped he didn't mean anything he said, I never did. 

     People usually hate female characters from fictions like me, don't they? Selfish. Lame. Shallow. Thinking she could get anything. The world - ruled it like it is hers. Manipulate and lie because she can. Steal and break things. A destroyer. I hated myself then.

     The door bell rang and Harry shot up from the floor quickly. He closed his eyes and breathed before walking out of the room. I sat up, straightened my clothes. I smiled before Harry opened the door. It was important for him.

     My mother was wearing something disgustingly in red. Dad nodded at us as he came into the house. Harry hanged the coats. I returned to my room and changed into pink pyjama. Anne frowned at my clothes, but I started putting out the food from the kitchen so nobody said anything else.

     "Anne is going to perform in an open square after the new year," Max tried to get everyone to speak after we settled around the table, and Max smiled as the Max I remembered when I bought him his first pack of cigarette. "It's something called Waiting for Godot."

     "Yes, we have been rehearsing almost every day," Anne said with a light smile.

     Mum slowly put a piece of meat into her mouth, "well, just let me know if you're ready for the papers to know you. I know the ways and just dial my office number. It won't be nice of our family to not pave your way in the industry while we can. We know people and we know exactly what you need. I know you need nicer hair firstly. And oh dear, you need to lose some weight. I am honest. Girls with your height -"

     "She's great," Max said, Max's face went dark, "mum. She's just great. And she's more interested in stuff like traditional English drama, acting on stage with script and all that. She's not like the people you work with."

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