"I would like that very much," I would say.

     It upset me because when I reached the door, I realised no one was actually talking to me. The kitchen was disastrous, Max had obviously tried to bake something with flour after I left for school. I was not sure if he was successful. All the kitchen tools were on the table with cream. I started the cleaning after I changed into something comfortable.

     And someone rang the bell when I was washing the sink. I hoped Max was back because he'd help me. But it was somebody else. He had short and sandy hair. There was a rabbit on his green hoodie.

     "Hi – Hello," he said. He was looking at me with a jar of Naked orange juice.

     "Can I help you?"

     "Max asked me to come," he said, he tried to smile.

     "Are you Harry? Max's mate who works with him?"

     "Yes," he nodded again, he acted like he was from military school. "He is picking up Anne from her uni."

     "I am not going to let strangers in my house, but let me call," I said.

     Max said he was embarrassed for having his friend standing outside the house. He asked me to welcome him warmly although he knew I was not good on this.

     "It's really," Harry said uncomfortably, "neat here."

     "You must be a very nice person because you know the house is a mess and you still try to be polite," I told him. "Can I get you anything to drink? Sorry we don't have beer."

     "Nah, I had something to drink just now," Harry said. "Max said no alcohol, I want to buy something for you, and I don't know what you'd like and this one is on sale. It's not expired yet."

     Harry gave me the orange juice. I poured it into two flasks and handed one to him.

     "I am glad you like it. You like it," Harry said, "don't you?"

     "I do," I replied. "You should make yourself comfortable now and I'll round up the cleaning. I think Max had a world war here."

     "He said he'd try to make clafouti. Anne likes it," Harry said. "I am sorry he left the mess to you."

     "I don't mind, he's been working very hard," I said.

     "My mum cleans my legacy for me," Harry said, "she owned a flower shop down town. Do you like flowers?"

     "Yes, but I don't like bees," I picked up the towel on the hook.

     "People always praise bees for being hard working," Harry said.

     "I don't. They sting."

     "Let me help with the table," Harry reached for the hook.

     "I think you should just sit down," I said. "Max won't like it."

     "He doesn't have to know," Harry said.

     "Right," I threw away the paper bags on the table.

     "So how do you like it here?" he asked though I could barely hear him.

     I had always thought if Nottingham was a big wave, here, Louca must be the morning drew. Nothing happened here, in a good way.

     "This place is wonderful," I answered. I took the dirty towel from Harry's hand and washed it. The water was cold and I wanted to run my face over it.

One Fucked Up WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora