The Promise

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Celeste's POV

I was in the middle of the woods, at night. I was looking around, trying to find my father, Lord Salem. I felt a slight breeze on my left side, so I prepared my sword for his surprise attack.

My grey eyes saw a figure running behind trees, so I jumped up on a tree and saw my dad behind a tree, looking around for me. But he couldn't find me because I took away my scent, which was one of my vampire powers.

I kept looking at him, not too close, but not to far. I saw him look around, and I smirked. This was my chance to get him.

I put away my sword and grabbed my bow with my arrow in my hands. I placed the arrow on the hand carved bow and positioned myself to shoot. I closed my left eye and made sure to get him right where I wanted it to get him, and with a blink of an eye, I released the arrow.

He must've felt it coming because a second before it could hit him, he moved to his left side and looked around, holding his sharp axe in his hands.

"Come out come out wherever you are..." He whispered so only I could hear.

I froze in spot, and smelled the air for just a second and gasped.

"Dad, climb the tree in front of me, now!" I said telepathically to him.

He turned around and saw me and nodded, jumping on the tree facing me. "Cel, what's wrong?" He said back to me.

I pointed to a pack of werewolves, by the far corner at the left. He looked and got wide eyes. "They know this is our land! How dare they step in!" He shouted to my mind.

"Ouch! Can't you be quiet just for once!? You're giving me a headache!" I shouted, out loud, which made the wolves turn quiet and look around. Shit, I've done it again.

I stayed mobile, not even moving. They must have seen me, because one of them spoke.

"You! Up in that tree, come down now." One growled at me, and he hasn't even turned into his human form, he must be the Alpha.

I looked at my father, terrified. He nodded and held on to his guns in both his hands. I glared at him. "Put those away, we don't want any fights Salem." I said to his mind, strictly.

He put them away as I climbed down the tree and made my way to the wolves.

"Drop the weapon." The same voice said quietly, looking at my bow and my bag full of arrows.

I did as I was told and put my stuff next to a tree and went back to where I once was, in front of them.

"Your name." The same calm voice said.

I hesitated for a moment before answering them. "My name is Celeste Rosie Young." I quietly said.

"And what brings you in the woods in the middle of the night, on a full moon." The werewolf growled, stepping forward.

"Um, well... I came to hunt for food?" I said, but it sounded more like a question.

"We know you Celeste, and we know that you are daughter of the Lord Salem, the strongest and fearless warrior with his truce that he calls a team. We know that you are in it, since you are dressed like one and that you can hear and see us in the dark, now tell your father from up that tree," He pointed with his head where my dad was, "to come down, or else he will regret it." The Alpha said, with a threat in his tone.

"Father, stay. And you," I pointed at the Alpha, "need to show some respect! This is our land, so we decide what goes on here. And if you ever, ever dare to threaten us again, you will regret it, you nasty little dog." I spat out, angry he would tell us what to do.

The Alpha growled, loudly, and glared at me, and I smiled, showing him I wasn't afraid of him.

"Cel... Be polite to our guests. And our guests, be polite to my daughter, you are on our lands." My father said, jumping off the tree and walked behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

The Alpha nodded at my dad, but kept looking at me. "Thank you for having such respect to us, Salem." He said, still glaring at me.

My father nodded. "It's LORD Salem, to start off with, and is there anything I can do for you on this lovely night, Alfred." My father spoke, impatiently.

"We need your daughter." Alfred said.

"Why!?" Me and my father said in unison.

"She is Celeste Rosie Young. She's turning 15 tomorrow, on February 10th. She's a vampire, since she was 6 years old, a year after she was found. You turned her into one, since you trusted her for the training. And you did a good thing, since she has more powers then any other vampire. And with that, we can destroy Lucifer." Alfred finished.

My mouth was wide open. What a creeper! "I'm not going anywhere with you!" I screamed.

"Cel, be polite. If you want her, you will have to come to our lands, it is much bigger, and our people will respect you, but will stay far away from you, are we clear?" My dad said, offering them a deal.

Alfred turned around to his group and saw all the wolves with him nod. "We will accept, only because we need her to save us." He said.

"Wait! You just said Lucifer, right...?" I whispered to Alfred.

He nodded, his electrifying green eyes were staring straight at me. "Yes, what is wrong with that?" He asked.

Tears stung my eyes as I turned around and looked at my dad. "Oh... When Celeste was born, Lucifer has brought one of his demons on earth to kill Celeste, and from that day forward, she has been scared of him." My father said, holding me close to him, as I cried in his chest.

"I thought she was in your truce. Your truce is usually not afraid of anything. Not even death. They were born to be in your truce and die at one point to show the respect they had for their lands. If she doesn't shows that, she hasn't promised you to be in your truce and is not as powerful as you though, Lord Salem." Alfred said.

I wiped away my tears and turned around and faced Alfred, anger taking over me. "Now you! Shut the hell up! You have no right to say I am not powerful! I'm more powerful then your whole land combined! So don't you dare come here and ask a favor from me and then insult me! That is no respect at all! And I'm sorry, Lucifer is one heck of a strong and powerful beast, I can't defeat him! He's too much. You try and defeat him, you dog!" I screamed in his face.

Alfred growled and turned human. Thank god he was wearing pants. "I'm sorry." He mumbled quietly.

I wasn't even listening, I was checking him out, taking every single detail about him. He had jet black hair that went over his beautiful green orbs, he was pale, but not too pale. He had light pink lips, perfect size, if you tell me. He had a six pack, which I badly wanted to touch, and he looked built, but not too built. He looked around my age, maybe older, around 18.

"Celeste?" Alfred said, smirking as he noticed I was looking at him to long.

I blushed and looked away. "What'd you say?" I asked, feeling so dumb at this point.

Alfred sighed. "I said sorry, for acting like a complete jerk to you." He said.

I just nodded. "It's okay." I turned around and looked at my dad. "Daddy, I'm tired, can we go home?" I said, in my childish voice.

He simply nodded at me and smiled. "Gentleman, and lady, we shall see you tomorrow at noon." My dad said, taking my hand and walking me away from the pack of wolves to our castle. I turned around to see Alfred smiling at me as he waved. I smiled back at him and waved back.

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