Chapter 2

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Hey readers! I'm sorry for not updating in forever, but I was really really busy!!! School's finally out and I'm in the writing mood so, I'll be on a lot more. Plus, I'm totally in love with the new Wattpad update and it's put me into a motivating mood. XD

So, enjoy the next updates, and I do have a little surprise: A new story! I don't know much about it yet, but I'm putting it together in my mind. I have no title, but I do have the idea of where I want it to go. It's a little different from what I usually write, but I'm really excited for it. There's a lot of intensity and it's got some serious topics. At least that's what I plan. I'll keep you posted on what I have planned for it and when you'll be able to see the first chapter up and running!

Until then, I hope you like this!

- Blair


Annabeth's POV

I wake up sore and in blazing hot pain, my vision blurry. I turn my head slightly to the side, trying to figure out where I am. As my vision clears, I see the familiar lay-out of Luke's bedroom, and my heart leaps in panic.

I have to get out of here.

I look around, trying to figure out where Luke is. If he isn't here, it'll be easier for me to escape. But I wouldn't be surprised if I see him just standing in his room, staring at me, enjoying my pain.

I realize the room is empty of people except for me, and I take a quick second to slow my heartbeat down. I take in my surroundings, the tousled covers hanging halfway off the bed that looms above me, the little bit of light that seeps in through Luke's curtains, the open window, and Luke's clothes that are strewn across the floor.

I slowly sit up, pressing my weight on my arms to lift myself up, and throbbing pain shoots through my entire body. Dizziness passes through me in waves, and I cry out softly. I ignore it all, knowing I must get out of here. I stand up,tip-toe to the window, and look out. The ground isn't too far below, I'm sure I can jump. I've done it before. Just not in this bad of a condition. I contemplate jumping out when I hear footsteps coming from outside Luke's room.

In tearing panic, I quickly climb out the window, hold on to the ledge for a second, then let go, gravity doing the rest and pulling me towards the ground.

I land with a loud thump and it takes all my willpower not to scream. I scramble to my feet despite the pain and start running.


I finally make it to my house and slip in through the back door to find silence awaiting me. It scares me, but I guess when you have a boyfriend who hits and threatens you, silence and emptiness is a time where you think the worst, like he will sneak up on you, ready to feast on the glory of giving pain.

I have no sense of time right now, so I don't know where my parents or Matthew and Bobby are. All I know is that they can't see me like this. I tiptoe through the kitchen to see the time on the microwave. 7:30. My step-mother, Susan, has left with Matthew and Bobby so they can get to school, surely, and my father has left for work by now.

I scale the steps and slip into my room, locking the door behind me. I go into the bathroom with my eyes shut tightly, afraid to look at my appearance, at his marks, at my bruises.

How will I hide them today?

Somehow, I manage to find the courage to take a peek. Peeling my eyes open, I look in the mirror and a see a large, purple bruise across my cheek. My nose is swollen and red. My wrists have dark purple bruises wrapped around them, and tears spring up in my eyes. My hair is disheveled, a knotted mess. I quickly slip off my shirt and turn around to see the pink, red, and purple bruised along my spine. There's also purple flames that dance across my right side, from where Luke kicked me yesterday, where there is the most pain at the moment. Tears spill out of my eyes, running down my cheeks as I think about what he does to me.

I don't understand how he has gotten so far with it, and how I have let him go so far. But then, what can I really do? If I tell someone, he'll only hurt me more. Even the slightest, small things he doesn't like gets me beat up. And I have no control over it. All I can do is hide.

Hide. Just hide.

I pull out my makeup case and wash my face, rubbing the dry blood off and waking myself up. I don't enjoy makeup, but it's mandatory to hide the bruises that show on my face. His marks. The marks that will scar me forever. That I can never forget.

I start to brush foundation across my face, my bruise on my cheek, my nose. I can't do anything about the swelling, but I can hide the color if I put enough on. I apply some light blush afterwards, just to even out my skin tone.

My eyes are alright, not swollen, nothing wrong, I can see fine. I put on simple mascara. I brush my teeth, then put on light lip gloss to even it all out, and in the end, you can barely see my wounds. All that's unusual is the swelling.

I walk back into my room and change into jeans and a t-shirt, then slip my long sleeve sweatshirt on, hiding the bruises on my wrists. I have to be careful about those. One slip of my sleeve and anyone could notice.

I brush my blonde mess and leave it down so it hides my face. I grab my backpack and slip out of my bedroom, down the steps, and out the door. No point in eating. I feel too sick to eat, but then again, that's how I always feel now.


Today I don't have any classes with Luke, thank goodness. But I have a few classes with Percy, and two with Thalia. I'll just have to ignore them.

In the beginning of the year, when I first got here, I thought Thalia and I would make good friends, but apparently she isn't interested in that idea. So Im basically alone.

Which I'm fine with, don't get me wrong. But I need someone to talk to about Luke. If I don't get it out soon, I think I might die.

My first class is Math, who I of course, have with Percy. I walk into class just as the bell rings, my head down.

"How nice of you to show, Annabeth," Mrs. Dodds, my math teacher, says, venom dripping in her voice. "Since you're late, the last seat is in the back, next to Mr. Jackson. Go ahead and take it."

Oh, great.

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