Chapter 53. Cloaked Figures.

Start from the beginning

"What, like new vampires?" Bella questioned with disbelief. Her heart began to race as she glanced back at the black screen TV. 

I shrugged my shoulders as I sat up from the couch, my hold still on Jasper. I was okay if I had too fight him, he was the one who taught me most of my moves. Emmett could be controlled by Edward and Carlisle would be able to grab Bella and run. "Its only the first few months after the change. Its kind of when you're at your worst. Everything changes; you're thirsty most of the time, sometimes you snap on accident. Kind of like when you can't get comfy in bed, but you're tired." 

Emmett scoffed before rubbing his hands together as he smirked at Bella playfully, "Something to look forward too." 

"Emmett." I scolded. He looked at me and held his hands up as too say he was "innocent." Bella looked down at the ground as I heard her swallow fearfully. Jasper glared harshly past my head. I knew what he was thinking. He was terrible as a newborn. We almost had too keep moving from state too state every month. Jazz didn't wish that on anyone. "No one's trained these newborns." I mentioned getting back too the subject at hand. 

"This isn't random. I agree with Emily." Jasper suddenly moved making me eye him warily. "Someone's creating an army." Besides me Carlisle sighed and placed his face in his hands. Being the leader and father of this clan was hard on him. He wanted his family safe. We couldn't do anything rash or it might cause more harm than good. 

"Well, now we're definitely going to Seattle." Emmett said excitingly as he jumped off the couch. He looked in between all of us and frowned slightly as we glared at him. 

I shook my head, a headache was beginning to form. I could feel it. "Emmett." He glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. "Sit back down, Thunder head." 

"An army of vampires?" I turned my attention back towards Bella and frowned. This must have been hard on her as well. She was going through so much and the only way we could help was too protect her and Charlie. But now, not only did we have too protect her, but maybe now we had to protect the city. A city versus seven vampires and one hybrid was going too be hard. 

"They've been created to fight someone." Jaspers' sculpted face turned into a stone hard glare as he clenched his jaw. He was here with us, but his mind was somewhere else. Maybe it was on his army background. 

"Jazz, we're the only clan closest to Seattle. You think its us?" I asked, trying my best too think positive. Could it be Colton or worse, Victoria. Haven't seen the red-haired bitch in months. 

Carlisle raised his hand before placing it on my shoulder in worry and concern. "Regardless of why they were made, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they've let it go on this long." 

I scoffed and shook my head as I stood up and walked over too the window. The soft sound of rain began to hit the windows. Another day in Forks. "Doubt it. Aro and Cactus man are too busy sitting on their thrones to get up and do something productive. Trust me, I've been there and let me tell you something - all they do is sit there in their castle and rot away. Hmm, you think if they sit still long enough they'll eventually turn into dust and then maybe their little pets could suck them up into a vacuum?"

"Emily." Carlisle chastised with no remorse.

I rolled my eyes while leaning against the three layered glass window. "It was just a thought, Mr. Clean." 

Edward leaned forward before walking down the three small steps. He clenched his jaw, his eyes far away. "Maybe they're behind it." Silence filled the room as my brother glanced at us before continuing. "In Italy, I read Aro's mind. He wants me, Alice, and Emily to join him,  but he knows we'll never choose him as long as our family's still alive." 

I stood up straight while taking a step forward. I began to shrink back as panic began to set deep into my chest. I can't go back. Not there. I can't. I won't. He wants me back for power. I would be locked in a room, maybe chained. No, no, no. 

"An army could solve that for him." Jasper growled in anger. I quickly did my best too stay calm. I didn't want to anger Jasper more and then in return have him try and eat Bella for an afternoon snack. I had to stay least for now. 

We stood silent for a moment, finally taking it in that we might actually have too go to war with newborn vampires. I cleared my throat, gaining everyone's attention. "I-I-I gotta go." I walked past everyone quickly. Carlisle softly called my name once before sighing.

Without even thinking about anything, I ran. I ran outside while it poured down. I didn't know where I would or could run too. I just knew I couldn't go back to the Volturi. Besides my father, The Volturi was the scariest thing I could ever face. If I ever saw them again, I don't think I'd be able too stop quivering. 

I thought I could handle everything. 

Thought I could take on the world. I was the strongest thing on this planet and yet...I quivered at the mere thought of vampire in cloaks. 

I needed Paul. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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