Hold On

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I'm stretching

But you're just out of reach

Your words taste sweeter than peach

But your downfall has a horrible screech.

Please hold on.

Don't fall into that pit all alone

I swear the bottom isn't coming home

Please hold on.

Don't let go

My hands are feeling regret

But my heart refuses to feel remorse

Come on, climb onto me.

I may not know you

But I know you belong somewhere

But don't you dare give up!

Please hold on!

I can see the light ahead of you!

I can feel the strength within you

I can feel the dragons dancing with joy,

When I look into your eyes.

That spark,

Keep it!

Hold on to it!

Hold on!

There may be red in the present

The blood may be falling out of your organs

But this surgery called ambition will save you

This one procedure will help you move on!

Yes! I know it's painful

But without pain, you can't become free.

Don't succumb to this!


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