They're Here

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(110 years later) Tiffany's POV

I sat in my bear bedroom going through resent space data. Including film taken by a Mars rover, that had recently been destroyed. I was watching it now in my head. Before the rover was destroyed the ground shook and a solute of Cybertronian appeared. Pausing the image I go through the Allspark database to identify the Mech. I identified him as Blackout, a Decepticon. This could not be a good sign.

"Find anything?" Tom Banachek asks as I come back to consciousness.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I tell him.

"I know you were looking at Beagle 2's footage from Mars" he states.

"It was a bad N. B. E, they're coming" I state.

"I'll up security and make sure N. B. E is still in stasis" he states and leaves the room. I'm glad I didn't tell him about the Autobot that had landed in California. I just pray the Autobots get here first. I'd already sent the Witwicky's address to the Autobot anonymously. It's up to them how they approach the family.

Later that day the airbase in Qatar was attacked and their computers hacked. But I stopped the Decepticon from getting the information and it left. I then go to the meeting room knowing Tom would request my presence. "Was it you who hacked our army's network?" Simmons demands when I entered the room.

"No, it was another NBE. No doubt they'll try again soon" I state.

"You know what they're looking for?" Tom asks.

"Yes, but I won't tell you" I state.

"Why not?" they demand.

"It is not safe to do so, I must protect the cube as long as possible" I tell them. "That is my mission" I state. "Now I must excuse myself" I say and leave. Out of the 110 years I've spent here, I'd gained the humans trust. Though only a few know I'm a NBE. The rest just know I'm in charge of the Cube's protection. I distaste how they use the Cube's energy to create life and then destroy it with no remorse. But I have no say in that matter.

That night I felt the Autobot signal the others that he'd made contact with the Witwicky family. But that night Frenzy hacked into Air-force one and found the Witwicky file. Simmons got together a team to go interrogate the family. Because the son Sam made a video saying he's car transformed. I prepared for a quick exit, knowing the Cube will soon have to be moved. And where it goes, I go.

The next night there were four shooting stars and I smile. The Autobots had arrive finally. Hopefully they get here first and not the Decepticons. Tom brought me to an interrogation room. "Tell me what you know now" he orders.

"They're here, they'll come for the cube soon" I tell him. "There'll be a battle for the Cube, NBE 1 must not be awaken or there'll be a blood bath. Some NBEs will be on our side, some will not. I can tell you which is which" I explain.

"Why haven't you told us this before?" he asks me annoyed.

"Because it was not relevant until now" I say matter of factly. "The Witwicky family are the key yo them finding the Cube. They must be protected from the bad NBEs, known as Decepticons. All NBEs will go after them until they find out where the cube it" I state.

"Why the Witwickys?" he asks.

"I cannot tell you anymore right now, it is not in my programing" I state. "Just pray the good NBEs, the Autobots get here first. Or it will mean the end of your world" I tell him. Before going to the Allspark. I needed to identify the Autobots and Decepticons currently on Earth. It'll go quicker if I'm closer to it.

I find five Autobots and eight Decepticons including Megatron. Optimus, Bumblebee, Jazz, Ironhide and Ratchet are the Autobots. The Decepticons are; Barricade, Blackout, Frenzy, Scorponok, Brawl, Starscream, Bonecrusher and Megatron himself. It'll be a tough fight, but I'm sure the Autobots can handle it if the humans help them. I just pray the Decepticons do not find about my connection to the Allspark.

I decide to go and recharge, knowing I want get much if any in the near future. So I head to my room and lay on the bear bed. Arms across my chest laying on my back and close my eyes going into recharge mode.


Picture above of the Decepticon on Mars and picture on the external link of the Autobots arriving.

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