"Let's leave the, are we alone debate until another time kids. We have more immediate concerns," John butted in.

We decided that we would leave at first light for the Gretna police station. If the journey became too much, then we would turn right around and head back to the cabin. When John and Taylor began discussing firearms, I started to zone out. I've taken all the gun talk I can, over these last few months. I'd like to think I have become rather proficient in my knowledge of them, which I suppose was a necessity now. Ethan still hadn't shown up by the time they started talking about high caliber rounds, so I slipped away with a nod to find him.

Ethan had headed off towards the left side of the store, so I started that way. With my knife in hand, I looked around for signs of him. I caught the faint sound of rustling, like metal on a rack, and quietly followed the noise. The aisle marker flashed sports goods when I shone my flashlight over the sign. I found Ethan comparing two different fishing rods.

"You fish too?" I approached him.

"Yeah, so which one do you think?" He held them up for me to inspect, knowing full well I knew nothing of fishing. The name of the one caught my eye.

"The black one labelled The Ugly Stick; at least you can hit someone with it and get a few jokes out of it."

"I'm taking the van back tomorrow." Ethan looked me in the eye.

"But John-"

"Who made John leader?" Ethan cut me off. "We sure as hell didn't take a vote."

"He's not our leader." I frowned at the term because in a way, John kind of has taken charge.

"Really, so that's why he's the one callin' the shots?" Ethan was starting to get louder.

"Look, I know you're upset that we're not heading right back to the cabin, but we have come this far already." I used the most calm tone I could manage, hoping that Ethan would stop his fit.

"Why are you taking their side?" He looked at me, like I was betraying him.

"It's not a matter of sides you idiot, we're all in this together. By getting a radio and maybe even a police scanner, we might be able to locate other people; don't you want that too?"

Anger was starting to slip into my voice. I just didn't understand how Ethan, who had always managed to see reason before, was so opposed to adding on an extra couple of hours to our trip for such a worthy cause. My hand clenched around the handle of my knife in frustration.

"Of course I do, but I have family back there that I hate to leave."

"So, you're the only one who gets to worry about your family?" I spat at him. "What about my family, huh? They're practically a whole country away. I don't know if any of them are alive or dead!"

He turned to me in an angry rush, "I don't know if my family is alive either! For all I know, all I got left is Chloe!"

I opened my mouth to yell my retort, but John cut me off as he appeared around the corner.

"What in God's name are ya'll hollering about?"

"Ethan is taking the van back tomorrow while we go to the police station."

John looked over at Ethan's angry face and sighed.

"Son, this is a free country so I ain't gunna stop you, but think of how much we need you out here."

"Chloe needs me."

"Yes, but she's held up safely at the cabin with two adults watchin' over her. We're out here in the middle of nowhere, full of infected and no idea of what else is out there; we could use ya more."

This Would Be Paradise (Book 1)-A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now