Reason #2 They'll make you late to everything

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Mountain biking. Shit, I'm late. All the girls in my cabin were getting ready to head out the door they were giggling. One of my counselors had to shake me awake. I slipped out of my sleeping bag and threw on a T-shirt and some shorts and gym shoes and doused myself in bug spray and headed on over to mountain biking. Mountain biking was located in the edge of the camping site and I had to run through the forest a little off the path as a shortcut. But it seems that others knew of it too. Because I saw a boy walking along picking up rocks and sticks and examining leaves on his way to his class. He didn't notice me but I noticed him. So I kept on. We don't get much time on the bike so my instructor takes being on time very seriously. I tripped and fell over this huge tree trunk and fell flat on my face. A crumpled up leaf got in my mouth I spat it out in a panic. A huge thump came out when I fell and I think he heard it and ran over quick. A white boy about my age ran over.

"Oh it's just a girl," he mumbled disappointed and turned around to walk away.

"Hey a little help here," I struggled to say while struggling to get up off the floor.

"I thought you were an animal or something," He admitted while offering a hand.

"Well you thought wrong," I said frustrated. I dusted myself off and sighed heavily I was running extremely late.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" He asked curiously.

"I should be asking you the same question," As I started to run to class.

"Be careful not to fall again!" He called after me.

I looked back and saw him catching up to me I almost tripped. He grabbed me by the back of my T-shirt collar.

"I said don't fall again," And he beamed a smile at me.

"Yeah thanks," And I regained my balance and started walking again I was almost there.

"How'd you know about this shortcut?" He questioned .

"During our free time I explore a little bit," I said giving him an annoyed glance. "Don't you have classes?"

"Yeah I have to be in mountain biking right now," He said a careless look ran over his face.

"Than that means we're in the same class because I'm in Mountain biking as well," I said a panicky feeling came over me with the thought of this guy being in the same class at me.

"Oh that's awesome!" He said. His smile was too bright in the dark gloomy forest. Which was extremely quiet, except for the faint animal sounds and the screams of children jumping into the lake for their camptivity.

He saw that I wasn't too excited about that and he tried to slice into the tenseness between us.

"My name's Aidan," He said running a hand through his hair. He looked at me his eyes were so blue. Like an extremely light blue like water so blue that I felt that I could dip my hand into it. "What's yours?"

"You don't need to know my name," I explained to him.

He Had a shocked look on his face, "But I told you mine!"

"Yeah well I didn't ask you to," I said in defense. I started to walk faster.

"Well then I'll just guess your name," And Aidan started to walk faster along with me. Guessing random names from movies and T.V shows until I gave in and told him my name.


"See I knew it!" He said ecstatic.

"No you didn't,"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I guessed Christiana,"

"The only thing that was close to a C name was Everybody hates Chris and the fucking Cookie Monster Aidan!"

"Oh," He said. "But still I was close,"

"Oh shut up."

We finally reached Mountain biking class. Our biking instructors looked pissed.

"Look who decided to show up fifteen minutes late!" Gerri looked cross her arms were folded over her chest.

"I was almost going to call the administrator to call out an emergency on you guys," Alex said slamming down the phone.

"When you're late to this class you're hurting everyone who came on time and your mountain biking experience," Gerri explained. Me and Aidan blanked out everything they were saying about being late. We just looked and nodded until they noticed we weren't listening.

"Go get down a bike all the other children who were on time are waiting," Alex instructd

We dashed towards the bikes and went on the trail through the camp.

"Hey Christiana," Aidan whispered loudly to me.

"What!" I said harshly as I looked on over to him.

"You're cool as hell," There was this heat sensation all throughput my cheeks and I sped down the trail.

"Hey Aidan," I whispered loudly over on to him.

"What!" He said imitating me.

"Shut up!" I said with a laugh. "You want to race me?" I sped ahead as I yelled behind me.

"Oh so you want to play dirty?" And he sped way ahead of me.

I went way ahead of Aidan and took a turn. Aidan followed behind. We went really far laughing and racing each other until we realized that we weren't with our class anymore.

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