Chapter 1

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"Ohhhh mannnn~, im glad I finally finished that mission~"

I cheered stretching my arms in the air while walking inside the gates from Konoha. The guards greeted me with their usual polite greeting. I sighned and nodded my head with a small wave as they sat back down on their seats, continuing with their usual guard duty.

It's not that I don't like them, it's just I don't like people treating me some kind of princess. But I guess that what to be expected when your twin sister with the yellow flash I guess.

Oh, hey!, it's nice to meet you. My name is Kana Namizake. I'm Minato's Namizake twin little sister. I'm forever 18 years old, and don't asked me why. It's just a birth gift.........I guess. But yeah.

"Oi, Minato! I'm back!"

I yelled walking inside his office. He was writting on some paperwork, but froze and slowly looked up at me with a tired-dead look.

"Ah, welcome back, sis"

He weakly greeted. He knocked out making his head slam on his desk as his soul was leaving out of his mouth.

"Oh no, not on my watch buddy, theirs no way im going down alone when Kushina gets mad at me"

I said while tackling his souls and shoved it inside his mouth. He jolted back awake and tackled me in a hug.

"Your back!!"

He cheered. I sighned and nodded, patting his head. I swear, he hasen't changed a bit since we were kids.

"So, how did it go?"

He asked as he sat back down behind his desk.

"Good, I was planning to come back home sooner, but I was hearing some rumors around the village, so I stayed a bit longer to gather some information"

"Oh? And what are these rumors"

"Someone in a lollipop mask that calls himself 'Madara' is planning an attack on Konoha"

I said seriously. He nodded and looked like was thinking of a plan. He sighned and.leaned forward his desk.

"Alright, for now we stand on guard. As for you Kana.................Kushina and I have an important announcement that you to swear to secrecy"

He said looking dead at me in the eyes. I nodded and he got off his chair and told me to follow him home. I followed behind him with occasionally waving hello to the villagers. When we got to Minato's house he told me to wait at the living room. I sat down on the couch as I looked around.

Their was some new stuff around like a play pen for babies and other baby stuff. I picked up a stuffed animal that was a fox and inspected it like it was about to explode.


I turned over my shoulder to see Minato standing infront of Kushina, blocking her from my view.

"What's up? Your acting weird"

I said suspiciously. He grinned and they both walked towards me, still infront of Kushina.

"Welcome back Kana, we both missed you for the past few months"

I nodded, even though she couldn't see it.

"Uh huh, what is it you need to tell me? And why are their baby stuff in your living room?"

I asked raising an eyebrow. I heard her giggle behind Minato as he grinned......................HOLY HELL!!!

"I'm going to be an aunt!?"

I yelled jumping off the couch shoving Minato aside. She nodded with a smile as she rubbed her belly. I squealed and hugged her, but not strong enough to hurt her.

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