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Foxtail and greyman grew closer and closer every day. From exchanging sweet glances, and compliments, to snuggling and kissing.

Foxtail was pretty protective of greyman. When ever there was a mission she would do her best to make sure there wasn't a scratch on him, she was like that to rippy as well, greyman reassured her not to worry but Foxtail always says that, she cares about him, also his powers are coming back, so she didn't want him to lose them again.

They were going to tell rippy but the Lil kangaroo already knew, and fully supported them.

The couple were currently on a steakout, watching for villains. Rippy was there too but on the other side.

Greyman kept looking for this villain but he couldn't find him then he noticed a red light. "Foxtail, look!" he whispered she zoomed her binoculars in closer she gasped "rippy!" she motioned them (I believe rippy is gender fluid and goes by they/them) to come over. The trio looked at the figure.

The strange figure appeared to be looking for somthing, but then he pulled out a glorb and looked around and faced the heros.

It was lazerblast.

He had his old mask on, except, it was broken and his face was purple.

The three all looked in shock as the figure threw the glory to the ground and disappeared

"Lazer betrayed us?" greyman whispered, his voice almost gone as he cried

Foxtail was furious. She didn't care if it was night she yelled at the top of her lungs: "HE LIED TO US! THAT BRUSH HEAD LIED TO US! WE TRUSTED HIM AND HE SHATTERED US!" foxtail shouted with her eyes burning from rage and sadness.

Rippy was mad, if any thing. "BAH BAH-BAH BAH BAH!!" they angrily shouted

They all went inside

Greyman sat quietly in his room and meditated.

Foxtail used her punching bag and almost broke it.

Rippy paced around, contemplating what had happened.

The team wasn't the same anymore.

They trusted lazerblast, and he lied to them.

Foxtail then called a meeting

"Okay you two, I called this meeting, to discus lazer, I know were all u-upset, I-I am too. S-so from now on, we can't mention him, If w-we must vent about him. We may, but other then that He'll remain as 'he who shall be nameless!'" foxtail announced trying not to cry

"Bah, bah" Rippy nodded

"Foxy?" Greyman walked over to her and hugged her "d-don't keep it in, let it out." he held her chin reassuringly "were still here, and always will be! Right Rippy?" he looked at Rippy who hopped over and hugged them both

"Bah!" Rippy smiled

Don't cry (Greyman x foxtail)Where stories live. Discover now