"How does being mates work with you two?" I watch Logan lean in to hear their response.

"I mean we marked each other in our own ways. And the sex is great-"

"Wow wow TMI!" They laugh at Logan.

"Yeah you pretty much set yourself up for that one brother." I pat his shoulder and continue eating.

"Okay true. So what's going to happen after Jude grows old and dies?" I give him a what-the-actual-fuck look and he just shrugs.

"Arik's sister took care of that."

"Yes, I gave Jude the choice to age normally or to live forever."

He's immortal?

"You're fucking immortal!" Logan gasps and his extra-ness is me in my head, at the moment.

"Yeah," Jude chuckles and gives Arik's hand a squeeze.

They kept talking about their adventures since Jude came to live with him. It was boring and envious. I wanted to leave. Especially when Jude tried bringing up that phone call. But I changed the topic so quick I'm surprised none of us got whiplash. I even gave Logan a look and he nodded. I thought I was finally leaving.

"Let's go out tonight!" Logan suggests. I see Jude perk up at the idea. Great.


"A club," Logan makes a creepy smile. "Anthony is coming along too. He's never been."

"And I don't plan on going." Logan just rolls his eyes and smiles at Jude.

"You in?"

"Fuck yeah. Wanna come babe? We need a night out." Jude grabs Arik's collar lightly and gets in his face. A shy smirk appears on his face as he gets close to him.

"I'd love to."

"Then let's go now!"

To say I was dragged isn't far from the truth. I didn't get out of my seat when Logan parked the car outside of a dark building with lights coming out of it.

"Come on Anthony! It'll be worth it! We're going to have fun, you're going to actually have fun!"

"You act like I don't have fun."

"Killing people isn't fun you psycho." Logan gets out of the car and I reluctantly do the same. I'd rather be out there than stuck in a car for who knows how long.

In my peripheral vision I see a car with two people inside it. I would have thought nothing of it, if they hadn't started talking on the phone.

"Yes alpha we followed him here. Yes sir."

Half of me hoped Cedric sent them but the other half is pissed he had the audacity to.

"Anthony come on we're waiting." Logan yells.

The moment I step foot into that club I'm assaulted by noise and mustiness mixed with perfume. Not the greatest combination.

"Let's go to the bar." Logan eyed a few girls on our way to the bar. He made sure to take my hand in his and guide me.

"Drink." Logan shoves a drink into my face. I grab it with my hands and set it down.

"You know I don't drink."

"You've never even tried it before. Come on." Talk about peer pressure. Logan puts it into my hand and I sigh before drinking the oddly sweet yet bitter drink. It burns my throat going down but in a very satisfying way.

Anthony• Book 2 ManxManWhere stories live. Discover now