Chapter 6 | Comply

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"How's that logical?" your facial expression said it all, mentally you were in such big confusion, nothing could have helped.

"Yah! Listen! If you keep being so impolite, I can introduce you to my good old friend again!" He held up another knife he had secretly carried around inside his sleeve. "Got it-"

"GOT IT!!!" happily he cut off Four and wildly held up a picture of a man, but due to his movement i couldn't make out his face nor his identity or if i even knew him.

Sure, it was kinda suspect that even after 5 minutes they hadn't stopped fighting against each other instead of trying to make a "deal" with me, but actually at this point those guys wouldn't even touch me, no matter what i said. But my instincts told me to sign the deal, to do it, even tho at this point i didn't even knew what were the consequences. So i held my arm and shacked it up and down in between their faces. The again, looked up at me in sync and finally explained me what this whole thing was about.

"It's about this man you met."He held up a picture of "Him" but instead of seeing platinum blond hair and red eyes, you were shown a pic of him with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Truly beautiful",you thought.

"If you met him again, come back and give us all the information you got"

"He isn't what he seems to be and he's very dangerous for the national safety. We should maybe add that there a high risk of loosing your life but we figured out, that wouldn't be that big of a deal for you."

"How's that logical?" Actually you just kept on behaving so annoying because you were scared of the truth which was hiding behind that handsome face.

"Now be quite!" Four got angry again and took out another knife he was secretly carrying around in his sleeve and pointed it at my face. "If you don't play after the rules, you're surly allowed to meet my good old friend very soon." The blade shimmered in the sunlight coming through the window and reflected in multiple colors.

"Calm down Four. She's going to do it anyway." Although Four was obviously playing the aggressive psycho role, Nine knew a lot and it scared you.

"How do they know about "Him" and that i was going to do the deal?" Clearly confused you again started listening to them and stopped the rush of thoughts.

"It's about this certain man who appeared in your dream and even helped you out in a physical form. Now the thing is, he's a Soul keeper, but he wasn't always. He has had a "normal" human life like you and I but it was special enough to suffer all the time till the point where he had lost any of his emotions and feelings. What was left, was an empty body, wandering through this world, till the day he became a Soulkeeper. They're story is long, and old myths talk about how the first Soulkeeper was an upset young god, who had argued a lot with all the other gods and was left on his own. So one day he decided to basically destroy the perfect world the others had created, and gave those empty wandering bodies a function. The function to kill and capture.

Four:" The purpose is to kill people who hid their depression so well, not even the mighty god noticed and capture their souls in writing down their life story in one book. One book which can't be destroyed. It's resident to all elements and it's only meaning is to let the human's soul still live on in the book, by getting reading it. "

"So after all this wasn't intended to have a bad outcome but as time passed, books of centuries had accumulated but nobody was in charge to read them. The dead persons loved ones weren't able to get over the pain and suffered them self. That's how the vicious circle closes up. However the Soulkeeper is the one to lure them to this special street, kill the bodies and write their souls down in the books. A Soulkeeper is occasionally chosen by the level of emptiness and strength they still got left. Most likely they get chosen each 30 years, but this time you came in between. His last name is Lee and as it seems, he thinks you're special enough to take his place. The weird thing is, this never happened in now more then now 2000 years.

"So we came to ask you for something, if you go there, do everything to come back to give us information."

So now they had told me all this, where they just could have said please do what he wants and come back but still, i had to admit this was pretty interesting.

After the talk went on they also added their company would be called Phantom Alpha or something and all this information we shared would be top secret and if i only think of talking with anybody outside about what had happened, they guaranteed me i'd be dead within 1 hour without warning. But all these menaces weren't what told me to comply.

I hope you're still enjoying reading this, i feel like now the fun part actually just begone but you'll see soon😉
Also you might have noticed i was referring to an amazing game made by a few army's. Go support the game "To the edge of the sky" or short, "TTEOTS" there will soon be released the next chapter to play, and it's free! So if you're and multifandom'er as me, pls go check it out, it's really good!

Man in the Woods➵The Soul Keeper "Minhyuk"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang