Crying In The Front Row - 1

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Crying in the front row – 1

I woke up to someone shaking me.

“Hurry up Kylie or we’re going to be late.”

I opened my eyes to see darkness and a stream of light coming through my half closed door. Maybe I shouldn’t have stayed up to watch the 5sos livestream when I knew that I would have to get up at 5 in the morning. Today, is the day that I am going to Sydney. I removed my ipod, ipad and iphone (basically all my apple products) from the charger and chucked it in my bag.

I quickly brushed my teeth, took a shower and got dressed. I put on shorts and a light blue top knowing that it would be really hot in the car. At the moment it is December (summer in Australia) and knowing that I have a 11 hour long drive ahead of me I knew that it would get uncomfortable if I put on a jacket or something.

10 hours and 30 minutes later

I think I am about to die off boredom.

I have basically listened to all the songs that I have on my phone, bet my highest score on flappy bird 13 times and slept for an hour.

As I stare at the busy freeway as we keep on driving, I notice a board ahead of us that says welcome to Sydney. About time!

A little while later we pull up at my mum’s sister’s house. We hardly see them but we decided that we would spend Christmas with them, this year. After I greeted everyone, I met up with my cousin Lisa, and she directed me her bedroom that I would have to share with her. There were two single beds and the walls were covered with photos of her with friends and posters of One Direction and Justin Bieber.

I noticed one photo on the wall that showed her taking a selfie with Harry Styles.  

“You met Harry Styles?!”

“Oh. Funny story. A family friend got me a meet and greet ticket for their concert last year. The other boys thought that there were no more fans to meet so they left but I am going to be meeting all of them again in a couple of weeks.”

She stared at me as my mouth was hung open.

“How the hell did you get meet and greet tickets again?” I ask her in disbelief.

“The family friend I told you about. She felt bad that I didn’t meet all of them so she got me tickets again,” she explained.

How much money does this person have?

 (A/N: Sorry this is so short. I will probably update again today)

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