The old cabin

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(Time skip 3 years later)
Le and lu, now 12 years old living with their grandma. It was nice though except the fact that lu now has panic attacks at random, besides that it was all good.

One morning lu was making pancakes for all 3 of them ( chocolate chip pancakes to be exact)
And they all ate the yummy pancakes, then grandma washed the dishes, le and lu both went outside to find their freind kee who was 11.
"KEE!!!!" Lu shouted drawing kee's attention to the twins,
Kee: le, lu what's up.
Le: not much, lu made pancakes, and they weren't as bad as I thought they would be.
Lu: Of course they're good I know how to make pancakes more than you do!.
Kee: hey I saw an old cabin a little bit into the woods wanna go check it out?...
Le and lu: YEAH!!!!!!!!
All three walked into the woods.
Soon seeing the old broken down cabin,
Kee: here it is.
Le: have you ever been in there before?
Kee: no, but that means I will be as surprised as y'all will.
Lu: o-o-ok.... let's go in...( I'm not sure if we should go in there...)
All three enter the cabin, only seeing old furniture and dust, besides that it's was in a pretty good shape.
Kee: hey there's stairs over there let's go up there.
Lu and le: ok...
Kee goes halfway up the stairs before hearing a huge thump upstairs. Leaving everyone in shock.
Kee: w-w-what was t-that??!!
Le: idk
Lu: (;-;) I'm scared....!!!!
Le: it's ok lu * softly strokes her hair*
Lu:you can stop now le..
Le: oh sorry (>///////<).
Then thumping like steps coming towards them, lu nearly screaming, then at the top of the stairs was...
All three: AMY???!!!!!!!
Amy: oh!,hey guys, did I scare y'all...
Kee: calm down le, she obviously didn't mean to scare us, so... Amy how long have you been here??
Amy: about.... an hour or so...
Lu: oh find any thing cool?...
Amy: yeah there's a working piano!!.
All four: YEAH!!!!!!!!
All four go upstairs to meet a well looking piano in the middle of a well sized room.
Le: cool * presses a key*
Kee and lu: * presses multiple keys*
Amy:*jams all the keys*
Le: amy. Your so funny
Amy: what do you mean?! I'm always funny(=^=)
Lu: true...(🌚)
Amy:so le wanna play a song* she can play piano*
Le: ok* approach's piano**plays a church song*
Lu: why a church song??!
Le: because that's the only song I know on piano!!!
Le:* stops playing* you don't have to yell at me!
Lu: well learn other songs that's not Christian.
Amy: hey guys, wanna go deeper into the woods?? I found this old small hunting shack.
Le : let me let my grandma know* texts grandma*. Ok let's go!.
All four leave the cabin and enter the woods once again......
To be continued....

Hello this took long than I wanted my nephew kept taking my markers(>-<)and my dad found a huge snapping turtle 🐢 (•^•)
And then I passed out 😵.....

Lol bye >:3

Le and lu, twins of both sidesWhere stories live. Discover now