Abhinav visualised that scene of himself and S dressed in wedding attire in their decorated first night room with a 6'2, 90 kg extra luggage in their middle. He wanted to puke.

Ab: 3 people in a room ?? You got to be joking !

D: No I am serious. During Bahubali shoot that's how we all slept, next to each other. Bava, Myself, Sweetu, Tammy, amma I mean Ramya K garu, Rama garu, Raj, Nasser garu and Sathyaraj garu no one had any issues.

Ab: Yeah right... we'll see if that happens when you get married.

D: Hmm if I get married that will be four of us in a room. You, my wife, me and bangaram. Hey, keep distance from my wife ok she's like your sister-in-law, no touching her.

SSR, T, R and Rama garu exchanged baffled looks amongst themselves.

SSR mv: Eh ? Even then he wouldn't leave Sweety.. mental fella is so attached to her.

R mv: No one should touch his wife but he can sleep beside someone else's wife. Bava has lost it completely.

Abhinav who had his mouth open in disbelief imagined that scene of four of them in a room. D sandwiched in between his wife and S and himself on one corner.

D: Bangaram, come closer you might fall off....

She wiggled to him and he secured his arm around her waist to prevent her from falling off the bed.

D: Ooohhh this useless husband of yours ! I told him to get a lengthier bed see now both our legs are dangling on the edge of the cot..

S: Yes Pabsu pa...I'm feeling so uncomfortable..

D: Oh, don't worry puppy ma adjust for tonight tomorrow first thing I will ask Pramod to go and buy a bigger bed for all of us.

S: Aaawww I have the Best Friend in this world !!

She pulled his chubby cheeks and he grinned. Abhinav was sobbing cursing his fate. In frustration he wanted to bang his hand on the wall but accidentally touched D's wife's arm who was sleeping peacefully. She woke up.

D's wife: Bava,bava... he's trying to be funny with me ask him what's his problem...

D got irritated and got up catching Ab's collar.

D: Reyy! I told you to keep your hands and legs to yourself no ? You're trying to be funny with Bahubali's wife?? How dare you !! Here take this !!!

D punched him on his nose and whacked him a few times then gave him a forceful kick sending him rolling to the floor.

D: If you can't be respectful towards women this is your punishment ! Stay there on the floor ! Come baby and bangaram let us sleep.

Ab watched on helplessly as D protectively hugged his wife and his besshhtttt fraand close to his chest as the trio drifted to sleep.

S who was suppressing her laughter guffawed disrupting Ab's bizarre thoughts.

D: Hee... hee.. hee... Sweetu ma is laughing how cute she looks! She always laughs like this when I am around her and I feel so happy.

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