Once again

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I've been taggethed again

Just 13 facts about me and then tag another 13 people

1. I play piano, but I'm not very good yet (shit I sound like Monika ooh-).

2. Top three favorite songs atm are Cut My Hair, Broken and Solitary Hide-n-Seek envy.

3. I'm tired all day, everyday.

4. At one point my family had 9 pets.

5. The subject I'm best at it Religion but I'm an atheist (??).

6. My friends always ask me for advice on relationships and friends,

7. But I'm the w o r s t person to ask, because I have been in one relationship that ended badly and I had one best friend through primary school that I never fought with.

8. My little sister is *inhale* an annoying person.

9. I have the whole series of the Corpse Party: Blood Covered manga sitting on my desk.

10. I've been meaning to watch Tokyo Ghoul for a while but haven't gotten round to it.

11. I have a burn scar on my left arm from when I didn't realise I was holding my arm over a boiling fucking kettle.

12. I have to go to the hospital a lot because my primary school thought I was autistic and had asperges but I'm pretty sure I don't have it

13. I made my 3 of my friends do the Sachiko Ever After charm with me, and usually two of my friends argue a lot but since the charm, they haven't. That might just be a coincidence but yeah.


Sorry if I tagged you m8

You don't H A V E to do it but it's there

"What is that?"
"T'is Saimatsu, my friend."


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