"What are you four still doing here?" McGonagall exclaimed.

"I—we—"Dennis stuttered, Krish appeared to be mute for some reasons.

McGonagall sighed, "Nevermind, get out now, find—"

Albus found himself running, leaving a screaming McGonagall and four students.

He can't afford to waste more time, he was behind everything. No, no, no, no, no, please, please, just let me reach him, just—

He found himself avoiding everyone he ran into, his mind set on reaching the dungeons. If he miss now, who knows how long he has to wait for the next opportunity. Everything that'll happen tonight can't change, he needs to leave, he needs to reach Snape... he needs to go home.

He was running blind, not knowing where he was actually going.

Another crash echoing from a far made him realize the fight was starting, Death Eaters were inside the castle.

That means...

Albus skidded to a halt, changing tactics and ran back. If he's right, his father along with the other Death Eaters are in the Astronomy tower. If he's right, Snape's still on his way to the Astronomy Tower.

Something green flashed at the corner of his eyes, he stopped dead in his tracks as he frantically ran towards the window.

"Oh my god,"

Albus found himself staring at a very big Dark Mark hovering at the top of the castle. And everything crashed on him.

He realized the overwhelming circumstances of the situation happening before him. And for a moment, he was himself. His emotions weren't in shambles, his mind was straight and suddenly he was slapped with realization. In fact, he found himself collapsing on the ground, he could barely hold himself together.

"Oh my god..."

He was shaking from head to toe.

"Oh god..."

He shouldn't be here, why is he even here? He haven't done anything, and now he's facing his way to death. He's going to be part of one of the most tragic deaths in history, and no one's going to know he was there.

I'm just a kid, I can't do this.

The impact of the situation was crushing him, he can't breathe right: he was scared.

Small droplets of water hit the castle floor just within his line of sight. He struggled to keep his breathing intact, his breath catching, his hands balling into a fist, gripping his robes.

Albus keep it together...

... Keep it together, you need to find Snape.

He hiccoughed as he scrunched his eyes closed, denying himself for more tears to fall from his yes.

Find Snape, dammit Potter, get up!

Keep it together!

... Albus please get up.

But whatever it is he was telling himself to do, it wasn't enough. Harsh sobs wracked his whole body, barley containing himself.

Dad I'm scared...

A sudden crash from somewhere made him stop, his head snapping up. His breathing was still erratic, but he was right, he doesn't have time for this.

He wobbly got on his feet, tears still streaming from his face.

And he ran.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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