Chapter 18

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A/N: No Harry POV and another really short chapter. Sorry but I'm just trying to finish this book already. Explanation will be at the author's note at the end.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of this... except for the OC ones.


Chapter 18


"What?" The boy asked towards the older boy who looks so much like him.

"I give up." The older boy answered.

"With what exactly?" Asked the red head girl standing next to him.

The older boy thought for a minute. "I don't really remember."


Al woke up and saw the ceiling of his four poser bed. I know. He thought. It's me.

Since their Christmas break, Harry made it clear that Al's nothing but a stranger now. Honestly, Al rarely gets any news that concerned Harry... in fact, Al found himself rather distant from the three.

It actually took Al a while to actually realize why, Hermione must've caught up that something is wrong with him, and that fiasco with his father that time he dreamed who actually brought him here, wasn't a good event. But even if his theory might be wrong, one thing is for sure, they must've realized something.

At one point Hermione tried to talk to him ones, but backing out after a while.

He studied his surroundings and realized that it was already nearing dawn, he woke up early... again.

Al sat up and rubbed his face before grabbing the small vial he hates so much on the floor next to his bed. He took a small drink, stopping himself from gagging, before tucking it under his bed, out of sight. It took a while, but it finally became a routine of him to drink the vial Dumbledore has required him to do so, in exchange, he's emotions doesn't mess around so much anymore. But when it does, it comes in waves.

Albus thought back to his dream, it has been a while since his last dream about them... and it really didn't help. It just reminded him that no one is actually doing anything after all to help him... Even Dumbledore.

He stared glumly at his wrist and glared at the visible mark on it, 68.

He exhaled a frustrated sigh and thought back.

His situation has been getting worse and worse. He hasn't accomplished anything, and for some reasons, Dumbledore's last lesson with him was such a long time ago, when he got back from Christmas break. What is he expecting? For Al to magically transport himself back in his own timeline? And what in Merlin's name is Snape brewing in his office? For some reasons that's the only answer they give him when he asks them about his situation. "Your ride home is being brewed."

But none of it makes sense, how long has it been? Ron already got hospitalized, he already broke it Lavander, Appariation class even started already, Katie even got back from Mungos, and not once has he even moved forward. What are they waiting for? His time is running out... including Dumbledore...

Albus slumped back on his bed...

It's almost the end of the school year.


"Nothing?" Krish asked. "Are you sure?"

Al glared at her. "Nothing alright."

"I was expecting a lesson today though." Dennis said. "I mean, the Headmaster is back and all."

"And that memory with Goyle" Derrick added. "Seriously, that was big."

"I already told him, how many times do I have to mention it to you?" Al fumed, then, out of frustration, he kicked a stray rock. "For Merlin's sake, It's already the end of the school year and nothing is happening to me."Al continued to glare at everything as they trudged their way up towards the castle, they just had their Care for Magical Creatures. And from the looks of it, Hagrid was not in a good state at all... and so was Al.

His emotions are really stable now, enough for him to blend in with others. Feel frustrated when he have to, sad, happy, at least his emotions weren't all over the place.

A few students watched them with confused expression plastered on their faces, it wasn't normal for a different house to be talking with a group of Grryfindors... Krish seems to be the first to be doing it in their batch.

"Have you heard though," Derrick said. "Your mom and Dean broke up last night."

"I heard." Al said. "But, that's not really news."

"Guess your dad must be over the moon then."

Al stopped walking. "I don't really know."

His father hasn't been in his neck anymore, and it looks like he finally left him alone. But Al can't really help but feel like everyone has left him... no one is really helping him.





All stared and stared and stared.

That can't be right, that can't be right, that can't be right at all.

He's dead, Dumbledore's dead. And right now he can't face the infirmary at all... but he's there anyway... except, everyone sees him as a traitor.

It's because you took part in it....

Technically, it's also your fault.

He stared numbly as Harry, his father, screamed at him.

He couldn't remember, for the life of him, when has his father ever screamed at him. But now, he's doing it. Everyone won't look at him the same way they used to look at him... he was a traitor.

Even with the screaming Harry was letting out, Al sought his grandfather's eyes. Surely he'll understand, surely he'll forgive him, surely he'll realize why Al has to do that... why he have to give him the wand...

But no, his grandfather wouldn't look at him...

Figures... Al thought. Even Krish and the others won't listen to me...

Al glanced at his wrist and glared at the number printed there... 67.


A/N: Sorry for not updating for such a long time!!!! A lot has happened, I mean really, a lot. I got transferred and my mom embarked her way to abroad to work there. Out internet connection was cut down because we couldn't keep up with the monthly expense. Since my last update, that was the day out internet got cut out. We're not rich, and we're facing quite an obstacle right now.

Actually, we're in dept right now and my parents are crawling their way out of this situation we are in. Right now all I can do is support and not complain about anything.

Right now I'm at my cousin's place, and because they have internet, I took my chance and brought my laptop here.

Anyway, back to the story.

I know it's confusing, but the next chapter will explain everything to you... and sorry if it may take a while for the next update. But my dad is planning to buy a pocket wifi so we don't have to suffer ourselves so yeah, I might update... next month... sorry.

The other story of mine, (My Nerd) is already finished, a very long time ago. I'm just asking a friend of mine (also a wattpad user) to publish its chapter every now and then. I'm actually dedicating this chapter to her now.

Time is Complicated (Harry Potter fan fiction)(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now