Chapter Three.

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The Accidental Baby

-- Chapter Three.

I felt out of place as we sat in the fancy restaurant which I was hardly dressed for, I was simply in a plain top and jeans with my trainers on, whilst sat opposite to me is a man fit to perfection, dressed in a suit and looking so sexy. I shake my head from them thoughts as I look at the menu and I don't know what anything is since it's in another language. 

French I think .. or is it Italian?

wanted to go to a nice simple place where I wouldn't feel like the ugly duckling compared to everyone here, I set the menu back on the table and just looked around, everyone just eating and enjoying their meals.. in their fancy clothing! Whilst me and Daniel sat in complete and utter silence.

"I thought you were hungry" his voice makes me jump as I was not expecting it, I blushed and looked up at the man and he was just staring at me with an frown on his face, "I am" I said and then cleared my throat and took a sip of my water, "I don't understand anything on the menu and I was thinking of eating somewhere less.. fancy and expensive.." I trailed off feeling uncomfortable now.

Maybe I shouldn't of said anything...

"Where would you like to eat then?" he asked smiling.

I leaned forward in my seat, my elbows resting on the table as I whispered, "I could really, really do with some nandos" I confessed with a sheepish grin on my face and let out a small nervous laugh. He nodded, "Let's go then" he smirked holding out his hand as we walked out of the restaurant and back to his car.

I couldn't help but grin at the thought of getting my burger and chips, simply delicious. 

I smiled as the waitor placed our food incfront of me, my mouth is watering at the sight in front of me. I grabbed hold of the burger seeing no reason as to why I should use a knife and fork when my hands are there for me to use them. "Delicious" I mumbled with my mouth full of food and forgetting all about Daniel who was sitting across from me and when I did remember I saw him smirking at me and I couldn't help but blush.

Then I shot him a glare for watching me eat like a mad person, clearing my throat I thought I would break the once again silence, "I don't really know much abour you, other than your name, where you work, that your married.. How old are you?" I asked panicking slightly thinking he was going to be a lot older than I thought.

"Twenty-Six" he replied smoothly making me sigh in relief, only a five year difference, "I'm twenty-one" I told him as I ate a chip. All throughout lunch we asked each other questions, but still we didn't talk about his wife, not anymore that we already have anyway and for that I was grateful. 

It was just about me and him.. and the baby of course.

A frown made it's way on Daniel's face as he got off the phone, "What is it?" I asked worriedly as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me and I couldn't help it, I kissed him quickly on the lips. "I have to go away for business, I'll be gone a week" he whispered and he was still frowning.

"Normally I wouldn't mind going because it meant being away from Melody but now I have you and the baby to think about and I don't want to leave" he sulked like a child making him look cute but I wouldn't say that to him, he'd probably hate being called cute. "Come with me?" he said suddenly and I swear I went into shock.

"Allison" that snapped me out of it when he was calling my name loudly and looking at me concerned.

"I c-can't" I stuttered pulling away from him, I don't want him to leave but I couldn't go either.

"Why not?" he demanded as he walked closer to me and pulled me back into his arms. I gulped at the warm and safe feeling I have when I'm in his arms, "Work" I managed to choke out as I pulled him even closer to me, god he smells so good.

"Take some time off" he said as if it wasn't a big deal, it's alright for him, his the boss of his own company. I shake my head, "I wish I could believe me but I can't just not show up for work, but I promise you that I, we will be waiting for you when you come back with dinner in the oven and maybe you could stay over the night.." I said sweetly as I pulled him in for another kiss.

This time more passionate that it made my knees go weak.

He left that night and I couldn't help but wish he didn't leave and I hated the fact I wouldn't be able to see him for another week.


Finally managed to upload another chapter, for the next two, three maybe even month I will be working on this so I can then start uploading my new story, Mystery Girl: Teen Pregnancy. The first chapter will be uploaded in an hour, it's a preview of what's to come!! ;D

I don't know when the next update will be, sometime in the next few days hopefully!

Any good..? Comment? Vote...

The Accidental BabyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora