Wait, what now?!

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It was our final battle against the IMC forces, and the Militia were doing well, considering there were mainly Grunts, and a few Titans and Pilots.  Me and best friend Nyx were on a team together, as we cooperated easily, and could really pack a punch.  But, it was the fight against Kuben Blisk that didn't go as planned.

Kuben: Well, well, well.  What do we have here?  The nephew of Jack Cooper himself, and his bestfriend as well.  Got yourselves a deathwish going against me, eh?

Y/n: Nah, we're just here to kick some ass.  Now, surrender the prototype, and everything will be a-ok.  Well, besides you.  You won't be walking out of this alive...

Kuben: Talking tough now are we?  Well then, let's just see what you and your friend can do.

Nyx: Bring it!

(You're all in Titans btw)

Kuben rushed towards me and tried punching me, but I simply caught it and punched him back.  Nyx used his Arc Wave to stun Kuben, and landed in a few good hits, but Kuben managed to counter and throw him towards me.  I caught Nyx, and set him down, but didn't see Kuben firing up his Predator Cannon.  

Legion: Pilot, we are sustaining severe hull damage.  I recommend we find cover.

Y/n: Kinda hard to do that with no cover near us buddy!

Then, I saw Nyx use his Sword Core, and rush Kuben in a zig-zag pattern, dashing and Phase dashing to confuse him.  Nyx managed to get in some pretty good slices and dices, but once again, Kuben countered him.  He was going to finish him off, if it wasn't for me interuppting him with a Power Shot.

Y/n: I don't think so, Kuben.

Kuben: *Irritated* Argh, just die already!

He shot his Predator Cannon at me wildly, and I rushed for cover, but what I didn't notice that he hit the prototype's self-destruct button with one of his bullets.

Kuben: Dammit!  Why do I have to reload now of all times?!

Without him noticing, Nyx snuck up on Kuben and used his Leadwall on him, which caused major damage.  Kuben, whose Titan was still recovering from the hits of the Leadwall, didn't have time to react when Nyx kicked him from behind over to me, which resulted in him falling over.  Kuben succeeded in getting up and grabbing his weapon, but that moment was short-lived, as I threw his Predator Cannon away and threw him off balance by hitting his leg with my Predator Cannon, and used a Power Shot to finally end him.

(9-13 seconds)

Y/n: Finally.  Jeez.  Legion, status report.

Legion: Besides a few dents and severe hull damage, I am still able to fight.

Y/n: Good.  What about you Nyx?

Nyx: Well, Rogue here needs some minor repairs, but other than that, he's still combat-ready.

Y/n: Alright.  Now, let's get that prototype weapon.

All of a sudden, we heard a countdown, which was tuned out from the fighting.  Turns out, we only had 5 seconds left.

Computer: SELF-DESTRUCTING IN 5... 4.... 3... 2... 1... 0... SELF-DESTRUCT INITIATED.

Y/n and Nyx: Ah shit/fuck

(ON HOLD) A Different World (Male Titan Pilot Reader x RWBY)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt