Chap 1: Hangout

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Ishida's Point of View
Two weeks later... (Saturday Morning)
I suddenly woke up when I feel a hot ray of light stinged my face. I slowly opened my eyes as I feel the morning breeze and as those birds chirp outside the house.

It's a new morning.

I immediately got up from bed then I changed my clothes and hurriedly made my way to go down to eat.

"Ohayo, onii-chan!" A little voice welcomed my ears as I felt little arms wrapped around my right leg.

I smiled at her as I can see her cute face. "Ohayo."

"Oh. You're awake. Ohayo, Sho-chan," greeted my mom at me as she peek by the door with her usual smile. I smiled at her before greeting her back.

I can smell the aroma of a newly cooked bacon as I carry Maria towards the vacant chair she used to sit on. I also made my way towards my chair and immediately arrange my plate and some spoons and forks.

"How's sleep, Sho-chan?" I heard that question again. Mom used to ask me that whenever I wake up in the morning. I dont know why but I only answer the same thing.

"It's great," I took a bacon from the pan Mom is offering and I gave it to Maria before getting mine.

The three of us began to eat as the silence covered us and the only thing I can hear is the clanking sound of the spoon and fork as it slice the bacon.
"Good luck!" Screamed Mom at me as I walk away from the house. I waved at her goodbye as I continued walking.

It's Saturday morning and I told all of my friends that we were going to have a hangout. Actually, I think I'm the only one who's excited for this.

For I'm going to be with Nishimiya again.

"Ohayo, Nishimiya. Nice day!"

[A/N: Those underlined sentences were performed using sign language. 😇]

As I walk alone towards Nishimiya, I practice myself on how greeting I would say to her if we meet.

"Ohayo, Nishimiya-san! How is your sleep?"

No. Too impolite.

"Ohayo, Nishimiya! Can I take you now?"

No. Sounds devilish.

Maybe I could just say good morning.

"Ohayo, Nishimi--"

I didn't got the time to continue because I saw Yuzuru taking pictures by the garden nearby our neighborhood.

"Yuzuru!" I called out as I raise my hand up high.

She then stopped from taking pictures then she took her attention at me. "Oh, Ishida-kun! Ohayo!"

I smiled at her then I made my way towards the garden she was taking pictures with. I can see those beautiful daisy flowers which dance around the place as Yuzuru plays with them with her little fingers.

I took my attention to her and she began to gave me her usual smile before changing her face into a weird one, no. I mean, a curious one.

"Where were you going, Ishida-kun?" She asked as she press some buttons on her camera.

"Well..." I started. I don't really know if I should directly tell Nishimiya's younger sister that I'm going to hers. I haven't actually told her that we have a hangout.

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